Controversy Strikes: LA Dodgers’ LGBT Nun Event Met with Disastrous Outcome

The now humiliated and humiliating LA Dodgers introduced the anti-Christian group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to an almost empty crowd and booing.

– MLB players, including Trevor, spoke out against the Dodgers’ decision, expressing their concern about the offensive actions of the nuns towards religious symbols.

– Thousands of protesters, mainly Catholics, gathered outside Dodger Stadium to voice their opposition to the inclusion of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence on Pride Night.

– The protesters called for a boycott of the Dodgers and emphasized the importance of religious tolerance while criticizing the perceived double standard in honoring groups that mock religion compared to those that mock the LGBTQ community.

The Dodgers shocked their fans by inviting a radical LGBT activist group, the so-called Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to their Pride Night event over the weekend. This group bathes in sacrilegious imagery in their so-called performance art. They are pretty shocking, to say the least, and they were invited to be a featured guest at one of the Dodger’s pride nights. Because they’re so outrageously offensive, the outcry against that was such that the Dodgers uninvited them, only then to face the ire of the woke left, which Dodgers’ management quickly appeased by reinviting them.

Many conservatives saw this move as the Dodgers’ embracing of mockery of Catholicism and religion in general. It was beautiful to see at least one Major League Baseball player stand up to the plate, Trevor Williams of the Washington Nationals. He stood up and called on all concerned citizens to boycott the Dodgers.

When the Dodgers honored this rabidly radical group, they did so before a bunch of empty seats. The stadium was basically empty. This is nothing short of a public relations nightmare. To make it even worse, there were more people outside protesting than there were inside to witness this group being recognized. There is a massive backlash going on about efforts like this made by the Dodgers. It really seems we’ve hit a tipping point here.

We all know that boycotts in the past rarely worked, we had tried them countless times in the past to no avail, but now these number of boycotts of late have been absolutely devastating. They’ve devastated Bud Light, they’ve devastated Target, they’ve devastated Disney, and they got Disney’s CEO fired! They’ve devastated Netflix, and now it appears they’re starting to devastate the Dodgers and their attendance!

According to tipping point theory, you need 20-25% of dedicated adherents for people to start migrating en masse to a new paradigm. Scholars have actually studied how mass populations move away from one political or cultural paradigm to another. If you have 20-25% of the population all in on another paradigm it doesn’t take a lot to see a new majority emerge that embraces that new paradigm.

What we appear to be seeing here is the awakening of a silent majority. This majority was always there but needed 20-25% of its adherents to rise and say, “Enough!” Before the 20-25%, there was nothing to trigger the majority to awaken en masse, but what trans activism has done is ignite precisely that dedicated 20-25% of the population, and according to tipping point theory, that’s all you need!

We may be witnessing, truly, the end of wokeness as we know it! Who knows, maybe this time next year, the Dodgers will be honoring real nuns who’ve been of real service to communities. If they do, the stadium would certainly be full!

Copyright, 2023.