George Soros Getting KICKED OUT of Georgia?!

In Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, protests are turning violent as the ruling conservative Georgian Dream party recently passed an anti foreign agent bill through the parliament.

The law is being framed in western media as somehow being “pro-Russian” when in reality it would be ridding Georgia of liberal, pro-EU, pro-LGBT NGOs that operate on behalf of foreign oligarchs and nations. Georgia is one of the most targeted nations when it comes to globo-homo NGO/color revolution type assaults. Every year attempts at gay pride marches are made in Tbilisi and they are always disrupted by a massive Orthodox Christian counter protest. In recent years the protestors even stormed the LGBT NGO’s office and ransacked it.

Georgia has been a major target not just due to its ultra conservative, Christian population standing against modernity but also because of their position on Russia’s southern border. This foreign agent law would basically force the western oligarchs and NGOs the same way they forced Georgia with the vehicles of Russian influence since the collapse of the soviet union. In fact Kyrgyzstan, another former soviet state stuck in a tug of war between Russian/Eurasian and western spheres of influence, recently passed a similar foreign agent law. What immediately followed? George Soros and his network terminated activities in the central asian country. So now the astroturfed Georgian protests make a bit more sense right?

Thankfully the Georgian Dream party, who are fundamentally GEORGIAN nationalists, seem committed to passing the law and voted in favor of it after just the first reading in parliament. Unfortunately, the globalist female President of Georgia has pledged to veto the bill, but a veto can be overruled by parliament and that appears to be the Georgian Dream plan. She is doing the media rounds spouting the same, tired anti-Russia nonsense we are all familiar with. Thankfully it only takes 76 votes to override the veto and the Dream party has 150 seats in parliament.

While there is some organic anti-Russian sentiment in Georgia in the aftermath of the 2008 war between the two states, Georgians are quickly realizing that the rainbow, anti-Christian imperialism of the EU/NATO is far more oppressive than the supposed “Russian yoke”. Unfortunately, external forces have been rapidly pushing Georgia in the EU/NATO direction, specifically to shore up a potential new southern front against the Russian Federation. However now, with this foreign agent bill being passed, the Brussels bureaucrats are “threatening” to rescind Georgia’s EU candidate status. So much for “democracy” right?

The only diplomatic relations between Russia and Georgia exist at the level of the Orthodox Church. The Georgian Orthodox Church is the most relevant cultural institution in the country and has not only strongly resisted liberal infiltration but has even protected its Orthodox relationship with Russia. The Georgian Church has refused to recognize the fake, schismatic Church in Ukraine propped up by NATO and the neocon state department and is standing with the canonical church amidst harsh persecution. Patriarch Ilia who leads the Church, who is now in his mid 90’s, became the most (statistically/per capita) beloved national figure in any country in the world, as he single handedly boosted the Georgian birth rate to above replacement levels. He pledged to personally baptize every third child of Georgian families and there has been a baby boom ever since.

What Georgia is showing the world is that no matter how small and no matter how far it seems the globalists have their teeth sunk in, there is always a chance to fight. It may be hard but with Christ, His Church, and the love of one’s people, any enemy can be defeated.

Conrad Franz is a Staff Writer at Turley Talks.

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