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Veterans TORCH Our Woke Military!

I recently had a great discussion with Dr. Steve about growing multipolarity around the world and the unfortunate state of our modern woke military....


I've returned from a week of paradise to a literal woke perdition! That’s right! Silicon Valley bank is yet the latest victim of one...

India’s WAR Against George Soros

George Soros launched a bombshell accusation against India over the weekend, and Indian officials hardly waited to retaliate! We’re going to see what’s going...

Woody Harrelson DESTROYS Big Pharma!

The woke left are absolutely shocked to find out who their new enemy is, and that’s none other than actor Woody Harrelson! We’re going...

Greta Thunberg ABANDONS Green Energy!!!

https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1630875269216051201 Yep, that’s none other than the petulant teen Greta Thunberg being carried away from her latest protest; look at those vultures in the legacy...

“FAR RIGHT” Taking Over MOST Counties!

The woke left is absolutely panicking over what they see as the ‘far right’ taking over counties across the nation! And guess what: they’re...

Russia & China Joining Forces Against NATO?!

Russian president Vladimir Putin is issuing his most dire warnings yet, but will the US and NATO listen? We’re going to see the latest...

FBI Targeting Traditional Catholics!!!

The FBI just got caught spying on Americans yet again, and this time, it’s on conservative Catholics! We’re going to see the bombshell hearings...

Christian Nationalism is TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!!

The legacy media is freaking out; they believe that the so-called ‘far right’ is taking over the world; and one media outlet claims to...


Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, the ultra-leftist disaster of this once great city, is officially gone, after just a single term! She’s one and done!...


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