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Chris Pratt Claps Back at Woke Haters Triggered by Innocent Campaign

An epic clip of Hollywood superstar Christ Pratt mocking the triggered woke left has been making the rounds recently! Steven Crowder shared it recently and it...

Dan Bongino and Megyn Kelly EXPOSE Fox News!!!

Well as it turns out, Dan Bongino’s thinking a lot about this; we’re going to see what he has to say about what’s really...

NAACP Grasps at Straws With Latest Travel Advisory as Black Lives Matter IMPLODES!!

The ultra-woke NAACP pulled perhaps one of its most outrageous stunts ever this weekend, issuing an official travel advisory for blacks against the state of Florida,...

Anheuser-Busch Suffers MORE Financial Setbacks from Boycott!

Market Shares of Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, have dropped by 7.6% since the company reported earnings on May 4. The decline...

Trans Influencers IMPLODE as Bud Light COLLAPSES!

The Bud Lite fallout continues as we together go on savoring the victory of patriots over woke corporations; now trans influencers are up in...

World Economic Forum Faces Collapse Over Global Elite Chaos!

The global elites are panicking as the World Economic Forum faces collapse; that’s not mere wishful thinking, even the liberal New York Times is admitting it!...

Mail-In Mayhem: Kari Lake Team Revealed Evidence of AZ Ballot Fiasco!

Kari Lake’s legal team hit the ground running, producing bombshell testimony and video evidence in just the first of their three-day election integrity trial. Many...

Woke Portland IMPLODES as Many Counties Seek Exit!

Another county in Oregon has voted to secede from their state, making now a dozen counties rising and rebelling against imploding woke Portland! And...

Woke Leftists Have a MELTDOWN About a Milk Advertisement!

More woke leftists are suffering yet another meltdown, this time over a video mocking and ridiculing them. Parks and Rec Ron Swanson fans are...

Jordan Peterson CRUSHES Woke Leftist on Trans Issues!!

Jordan Peterson was recently interviewed by a woke leftist, and the two clashed in a heated exchange over trans issues. We’re going to analyze the profound...


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