Study Exposes Connection Between Insanity and Leftism!

Are left-wingers psychopaths? That’s exactly what a brand new academic study concluded!

– The Current Psychology Journal concludes a link between left-wing extremism and psychopathic tendencies.

– Polish psychologist Andrzej Łobaczewski’s research in political ponerology also highlighted psychopathic tendencies among leftist Marxists.

– Łobaczewski concluded that many woke leftist Marxists exhibited psychopathic traits.

Meltdowns from the left raise the question: ‘Are left-wingers psychopaths?’ If a recent study in the Current Psychology Journal is to be believed, then the answer is yes! The study co-authored by two psychologists concluded that leftwing extremism is closely associated with ‘psychopathic tendencies.’ The article states “Narcissistic individuals and those with psychopathic tendencies are more likely to strongly endorse left-wing anti-hierarchical aggression.

Individuals with dark personalities – such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits – are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism which they can use as a vehicle to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of aiming at social justice and equality.” This study isn’t the first one that uncovered psychopathic tendencies among leftists. The Polish psychologist Andrzej Łobaczewski studied the Marxist elite for 40 years in a field of study he pioneered called ‘political ponerology.’

Ponerology comes from the ancient Greek word ‘poneros,’ which means evil. It is the study of political evil. Łobaczewski concluded that the singular characteristic that all of these woke leftist Marxists he studied shared was that they were all psychopaths. They were not just wrong or misguided or mistaken or even just mentally ill, they were psychopaths. When the world is run politically by psychopaths. It becomes hysterical and insane, which perfectly explains our society today. What is so interesting here is that we now have critical academic studies of far-leftists like Łobaczewski or this latest from the Current Psychology Journal that confirm what we all knew just by common sense: liberals are lunatics!

Copyright, 2024.

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