Trump Crushes Biden in Polls as J6 Indictment IMPLODES!!!

There’s no stopping the Trump train. The Democrats and the Deep State have grown utterly desperate, and now they’re panicking that the indictments are making Trump stronger than ever before.

– Trump has consistently crushed Biden in polls despite the indictment and trial attempts desperate liberals keep pushing.

– Trump is leading by a significant margin in key swing states.

– Trump is continuing to be seen as a champion of peace and freedom as he is attacked by the left.

President Trump was at a town hall meeting with Sean Hannity in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where Trump is crushing Biden in the polls. Iowa was once a solid blue Democrat state. They have flipped to deep red, voting for Trump twice by a margin of 10 points. As you can see, Trump is already capitalizing on this latest sham indictment, the potential indictment for January 6th. As things stand right now, special counsel Jack Smith has yet to indict Trump. That has not yet happened, but he sent a target letter to Trump, informing Trump that he is a figure in the investigation into the J6 events and that Trump was to report to the Grand Jury in a matter of days. It remains to be seen whether or not this deranged special counsel, as Trump put it, goes through with this.

A lot of legal experts are coming out and saying that they have no idea how Jack Smith could conceivably pull this off. Former US Attorney Brett Tolman tweeted that even calling Trump before the grand jury makes no sense. He argues that a target is rarely put in front of the Grand Jury because they usually only end up pleading the 5th. This runs the risk of compromising the case given Due Process rights. This target letter didn’t make any sense, and the threat of indictment is also not making any sense. There is no real charge that legal experts can conceive of to make what Trump did on J6 criminal. Jonathan Turley, professor of law at George Washington University is noting that this prosecutor would need a smoking gun outside of the speech Trump gave on January 6th before the outbreak of the riot, because there’s nothing in the speech itself that’s directly provocative of a riot or insurrection, and everything Trump said is completely protected by free speech. Jack Smith would have to produce something that’s a direct link to a conspiracy or effort to cause violence. We haven’t seen any evidence for that.

For example, the J6 Committee, which began with Trump’s guilt already assumed, only had to find the evidence to fit the crime he had already been convicted of in the eyes of every person sitting on that committee. Every member had previously voted to impeach him, and after months of this committee, they came up with no evidence. Before that, a thorough FBI investigation had already concluded that there was no evidence that the riot on January 6th was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election. This is why several legal experts believe this case is ultimately going nowhere.

Even if it were to go to trial, if Trump does eventually get indicted, it would never pass judicial review in the appellate process. That is ultimately because there’s no actual crime that Trump committed in the speech or any of the evidence put forward by the J6 committee. The real miscalculation that the Democrats and the Deep State are making here is that these indictments are going to take Trump out of contention for the presidency, but in fact, they are only making him stronger.

An ultra-leftist MSNBC reporter was mauled by a panel of Pittsburgh-area Trump supporters on the media’s tortured narrative surrounding J6. That is the biggest miscalculation here among the Democrats and Deep State. January 6th, whether the legacy media likes it or not, has made Trump more popular, not less. Trump has been more popular since January 6th. Even CNN is admitting this. Polls have been consistently showing that Trump is trouncing Biden in virtually every battleground state. Trump is crushing Biden by percentages that were not seen before January 6th. As you saw with that panel, January 6 encapsulated for many the escalating face-off between the people vs the permanent political class.

This is likely why polls were so supportive of Trump after January 6th. For many patriots, January 6 embodied a struggle, a radically frustrating struggle between the concerns of the people and the obtuse deafness of the permanent political class. Trump called for peace – he called for the protests to be peaceful before they went to the Capitol building, and then he called for peace after the riots broke out. The fact that he called for peace while at the same time never backing down from his original claims about the 2020 election seems to have permanently enshrined Trump as the champion of the people, as someone who will fight on behalf of the common man and someone who will never back down. If that is the case, this latest possible indictment will only end up making Trump stronger than ever before.

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