Sleepy Joe’s Cognitive Decline: Brewing Civil War within the Democratic Party

Things are getting ridiculous, and more people see it. Sleepy Joe was recently living up to his name as he was doing his best to stay awake during a visit from the Israeli president.

– President Joe Biden has shown signs of cognitive decline, including falling asleep at a climate conference and making out-of-place remarks.

– The media has covered up Biden’s cognitive issues.

– There is growing concern among Democrats about Biden’s health and the unpopularity of Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential replacement.

This is not the first time we’ve seen Sleepy Joe live up to his name. He was caught dozing off recently at a climate conference that he attended with his 30+ SUVs driving as part of his entourage. The optics of this were only matched by his falling asleep during what he called the most important conference of our lifetimes.

Not many world leaders are seen falling over all the time. He is also known for saying out-of-place, strange things. He gave a bizarre sign-off recently, saying, ‘God save the queen, man.’ After he said that, he didn’t even know where to go afterward!

No other world leader is like this. The legacy media is recognizing this, and they are getting upset that they have to constantly run cover for this obvious cognitive decline.

They sound so patently absurd. It is obvious that the media people who try to cover for Biden do not even believe what they say. No one else does either. The media also shows ridiculous hypocrisy as they love to point out anytime Trump stumbles, which of course is rare, or has a hard time standing up from a chair. The absurdity that is daily on display by the legacy media is a pathetic attempt at a cover-up. That cover-up is a brewing civil war within the Democrat Party.

Many Democrat insiders are reportedly concerned about a possible “health scare” that could force the Democratic leadership to hastily find a replacement for Sleepy Joe, especially considering Kamala’s obvious unpopularity. This is something even the legacy media is getting involved in. Several months ago, the Washington Post released a piece that featured the Big Top 10 list of potential Democrat presidential candidates for 2024. The reason they ran the piece is that they cited a poll conducted by YouGov that found that only 21% of Democrats or Democrat-leaning voters wanted Joe Biden to be the Democrat nominee in 2024. The New York Times followed suit, but they were a bit more discrete. They tried unsuccessfully to make the argument that Democrats were solidly behind Biden but they needed other options ‘just in case,’ but there’s no consensus on that yet!’

The lack of consensus about the need for an alternate plan admits that the standard alternate option, the vice president, is off the table. She’s an abject disaster. The Hill admitted this when they ran a headline that said Kamala Harris is officially no longer Plan B. More pundits are recognizing this. Josh Kraushaar, editor-in-chief for the Jewish Insider describes the mess the Democrats are in.

A real civil war is brewing inside the Democrat Party, all as the legacy media tries to convince you that there’s nothing wrong. The Republicans are seizing on it. The former White House doctor and now Republican congressman Ronny Jackson is demanding that Sleepy Joe take a cognitive exam BEFORE the 2024 election. And PJ Media is raising concerns about Biden’s health and their calling for transparency regarding his neurological and cognitive condition.

They are openly criticizing the legacy media for not challenging the narrative surrounding Biden’s health and covering up for it. This is very serious as it is projecting American weakness on the world stage which in turn undermines our national security. All the polls show that no one’s being fooled by any of this. A recent NPR poll found that 62% of the public was concerned about the state of Biden’s cognitive health. An NBC poll recently found that 78% were very concerned about his cognitive and physical health. It is going to be very interesting to see how things play out here. As Biden continues to degenerate, an all-out civil war inside the Democrat Party might be at hand.

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