New FBI Doc Exposes Biden Family Corruption as Third Party Challengers Strengthen!

Things are going from bad to worse for Joe Biden. The latest Harvard/Harris poll has Biden down by 5 against Trump with Trump leading with 45 points versus Biden barely hitting 40 points. This is the third Harvard/harris poll in a row that shows Trump in the lead.

– Joe Biden faces falling poll numbers!

– Democrats panic as a looming recession and third-party challengers emerge.

– A FBI document exposes likely corruption involving Hunter and Joe Biden in Ukraine.

The polls are all showing the same thing. Quinnipiac, Harvard/Harris, Emerson, New York Times, and CNN show a double-digit swing towards Trump over Biden since 2020. A new poll by Echelon Insights considers likely voters in battleground states. According to the poll, were the elections held today, Trump would crush Biden by seven points: 48 to 41. In battleground states Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Trump would utterly humiliate Biden by 7 points! That is the first indicator that Biden’s 2024 campaign is in the dumpster. It is only going to get worse because of the likely upcoming recession.

Reuters is reporting that all indicators point to a looming recession. Larry Summers, the former treasury secretary, is predicting with a 70% probability that we will be in a major recession within the next year. No sitting president since Calvin Coolidge has been successfully reelected if a recession has occurred in the last two years of their presidency. This surge we’re seeing right now with Trump is just the beginning. We are seeing Trump surge, and he will continue to surge as the Biden administration continues to look worse. That puts all these indictments into a different perspective. These indictments may not be trying to take Trump out, they actually may be trying to limit the inevitable electoral damage the Democrats are going to suffer in 2024. The indictments and fraud appear to be how Democrats are trying to limit the fallout from Biden’s inevitable implosion given the coming recession.

Even fellow Democrats are calling for Biden to be investigated by a special counsel based on the new bombshell allegations of corruption. The latest allegations stem from the revelation of an FBI-generated FD-1023 form. 1023s are a form special agents fill out to record raw data and report from confidential human sources. The form claims that the co-founder and CEO of Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company that Hunter Biden sat on the board of, claims he was coerced into paying Biden and his son Hunter $5 million each to shut down a Ukrainian investigation into his company.

We have a video of Biden speaking at the Council of Foreign Relations a few years ago openly admitting that he blatantly used a quid pro quo on the then-president of Ukraine, where he used a billion dollars of aid as leverage against the Ukrainian president until he fired a special investigator looking into Burisma.

Now Robert Kennedy Jr, a fellow Democrat, is calling for a full special counsel investigation into the Bidens to see if they were paid $5 million each to get that Ukrainian prosecutor off the backs of Burisma executives. We have his imploding poll numbers, we have a looming recession where no previous president has won reelection, there is corruption that even Democrats want to be investigated, and now, Biden is facing several third-party challenges from former Democrats. Joe Manchin just headlined a major third-party event in New Hampshire, fueling speculation that he may challenge President Joe Biden as a third-party presidential candidate in the 2024 election. Manchin has refused to endorse Biden, and he has also refused to rule out a third-party challenge. Additionally, Cornel West, a far-left populist, is running his third-party campaign that has been gaining a lot of traction. Democrats are openly fearful that West’s campaign could have a drastically detrimental effect on Biden’s re-election by splitting the left.

Many are drawing parallels to the 2016 election, where the Green Party’s Jill Stein was blamed for contributing to Hillary Clinton’s loss, siphoning off several votes that Hillary needed to win states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. West is even questioning Biden’s cognitive health. Even the ultra-left Atlantic published a piece warning that the Democrats face a challenge with Cornel West! Falling poll numbers, a looming recession, more corruption allegations, and third-party challenges all show why the Democrats are so panicked with sleepy Joe’s prospects for 2024!

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