Liberal Media TRIGGERED over Populist LANDSLIDE in El Salvador!

The nation of El Salvador re-elected their nationalist populist president in a landslide that utterly pulverized their liberal leftwing opposition. We are going to see how it happened and what it means for the future of a new conservative age.

– Nayib Bukele of El Salvador won reelection with an unprecedented 85% of the vote, securing a landslide victory for his nationalist-populist New Ideas party.

– Bukele’s victory reflects a broader trend of nationalist populist movements gaining ground globally, evidenced by recent elections in Argentina, Ecuador, and Chile.

– Bukele enjoys overwhelming approval ratings, signaling widespread support for his approach to governance and law enforcement.

The streets erupted in celebration upon news that Nayib Bukele, the astonishing nationalist populist president of El Salvador won reelection in a historic landslide. Bukele won with an unprecedented 85% of the vote. His party, called the New Ideas party, a hardcore nationalist populist party, appears to have won almost every seat in their national legislature.

We are seeing a political dominance that is utterly astonishing. The legacy media isn’t happy about this. The ultra-neolibs over at the Economist ran with the headline: ‘After Nayib Bukele’s crushing, UNCONSTITUTIONAL victory, what next?’ What he did this weekend was unconstitutional, which is why 85% of the population voted for it. The clowns at CNN had an article titled: ‘In El Salvador, self-styled ‘world’s coolest dictator’ Nayib Bukele heads for re-election amid human rights concerns.’

Ilhan Omar got into the act, tweeting, ‘I led Members of Congress in sending a letter to Secretary Blinken urging action on threats to democracy in El Salvador. The State Dept must review its relationship with El Salvador and defend democratic values. The Salvadoran people deserve free and fair elections without fear of repression!’ Not only did Omar get fact-checked by Twitter, which noted that a president of El Salvador can run for reelection if he wasn’t in charge six months before assuming office.

Nayib Bukele himself responded, ‘We are HONORED to receive your attacks, just days before OUR election! I would be very worried if we had your support!’ Attacks coming from a person like her are signs that they are doing something right. Bukele’s reelection comes on the heels of the political earthquake in Argentina some weeks back when the ultra-right Javier Milei, who is often referred to as the Argentinian Trump, won their presidential election in a massive landslide, defeating their sitting Economic Minister Sergio Massa by double-digits.

Back in October, the nation of Ecuador voted in a new solid conservative president. 35-year-old Daniel Noboa won the presidential election decisively beating a far-left lunatic candidate who wanted to align Ecuador with Cuba and Venezuela. The nation of Chile voted overwhelmingly for their far-right which won a massive supermajority for the express purpose of changing their constitution into a more nationalist, populist, and traditionalist document.

We are seeing the success of the nationalist-populist agenda in the nation of El Salvador under the leadership of the amazing President Nayib Bukele. El Salvador has a new mega-prison or super prison that President Bukele had built to house upwards of 40,000 prisoners at a single time. A few years ago Bukele, a very successful businessman and former mayor of San Salvador, first ran for president as a populist outsider who campaigned on draining the swamp in Salvadoran politics and restoring law and order to what had become one of the most violent nations in the world.

At one point, El Salvador had the highest murder rate in the entire world, averaging one murder per hour. Drug cartels and gangs controlled everything. The government became a passive spectator. But now, with Bukele at the helm, all of that has come to a dramatic end. The homicide rate in El Salvador has plummeted. Before Bukele came to power, El Salvador averaged 108 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest in the world. The murder rate today is now just 8 murders per 100,000. The murder rate has dropped by more than 90%. As you saw, one of the reasons for the dramatic drop in murder rates is Bukele’s creation of what’s being called a super prison that houses upwards of 40,000 prisoners. Many of these prisoners are in prison for the next 40 years for gang-related activity.

Bukele’s massive crackdown on violent crime has resulted in the arrest of over 64,000 violent criminals. It is changing El Salvador like never before. You can see it in Bukele’s approval rating. He stood at a whopping 90% approval before the elections this weekend. Now, with 85% of the nation behind him, he is one of the most popular national leaders in the world.

We are seeing it in our nation. Biden’s purposeful ineptitude at the southern border is politically destroying him. Populations want law and order. They are done with the anarcho-tyranny and societal rot of the neoliberal establishment. Restoring order is a key factor in the blueprint for the political right’s ascendance to power throughout the world. No one is demonstrating that more effectively and more astonishingly than El Salvador’s amazing president!

Copyright, 2024.

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