Joe Biden CAUGHT in Hunter’s Illegal Business Dealings!

The utterly clueless New York Democrat congressman Dan Goldman was grilling the IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley. Shapley confirmed a few weeks ago that the Department of ‘Justice’ stepped in to actively protect the Biden family from the investigation.

– More evidence is surfacing that exposes Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s illicit business dealings.

– Liberal congressman Dan Goldman exposes that Biden was involved in discussions of this business despite his many claims that he was not.

– More whistleblowers have come out revealing new claims of Biden’s involvement and profit from this business.

The ultra-left activists disguised as journalists at the New York Times have reluctantly confirmed Shapley’s testimony, noting that a second former I.R.S. official, who has not been identified, has corroborated that claim. IRS agents like Shapley wanted to further investigate Biden’s business dealings because they obtained text messages from Hunter that suggested that his dad was involved in his operations. The IRS possessed a WhatsApp exchange between Hunter and an associate from the Chinese energy company named CEFC. In a text dated August 3, 2017, Hunter texted, “The Biden’s are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants from this [partnership].”

The “Chairman” he’s referring to there is a Chinese billionaire tied to a CCP intelligence-gathering agency. He used the plural and said ‘the Bidens’ are the best at doing what the Chairman wants. The following day, Hunter received $100,000 from this Chinese energy company, CEFC This is the same company that ‘gave 10% to the Big Guy,’ from Hunter’s now infamous laptop email. This incompetent Democrat Goldman is grilling Shapley, the IRS whistleblower, over his testimony that he had proof that Hunter Biden told his father at a lunch meeting with executives from this Chinese energy firm CEFC that he was trying to start a company or do something with these guys.

Joe Biden is talking business with his son, which Biden has repeatedly denied he’s ever done. Goldman has then argued that this does not sound like Joe Biden was involved in whatever Hunter Biden was doing with the CEFC if Hunter Biden is telling him that he’s trying to do business with them. This whistleblower, Shapley, recognized that he just admitted that Hunter was talking to his father about his business dealings. Goldman agreed Hunter Biden does try to do business. According to at least one law professor, he just sealed Biden’s fate.

Jonathan Turley, professor of law at George Washington University, immediately took to Twitter and wrote, ‘Goldman “just tripped the wire on Joe Biden. In trying to grill the whistleblowers to show that there is no evidence that Joe Biden was involved, he elicited an answer that the witnesses established that Joe Biden did discuss business deals of Hunter with the Chinese. Goldman was trying to show that the witnesses did not mention a substantive role of Joe Biden, Shapley immediately noted that it did mean that he came to discuss one of the Hunter’s deals. The President continues to deny that fact Goldman [ended up] prompting a sworn statement from the [IRS] investigator that Biden did indeed discuss his son’s business deals. In doing so, Goldman may have delivered one of the most damaging moments in the hearing for the Bidens.”

Biden has been caught and it was a Democrat who inadvertently exposed him. These guys are so incompetent. These leftwing lunatics are so ideologically driven that competence has become the primary casualty; when ideological fidelity rather than intelligence rules the day this is exactly what you get. As if all of this weren’t bad enough, we had another IRS whistleblower come forward. His name is Joseph Ziegler, who is a self-described gay Democrat who confirmed that their investigation into the Bidens was thwarted by nefarious political pressure. He testified about the identity of the infamous ‘Big Guy’ who received 10% of Hunter’s business dealings with that Chinese company.

These agents were investigating these Hunter Biden laptop emails, which we now know they knew were authentic at the time that 51 ‘intelligence experts’ claimed the laptop was Russian disinformation. These agents just confirmed that they concluded the Big Guy in that email getting 10% of Hunter’s business dealings was none other than Joe Biden. According to an investigation by the British Daily Mail, the term ‘Big Guy’ returns a total of 41 hits when searching throughout Hunter’s laptop emails, and those hits clearly show that the codename was being used for Sleepy Joe. Here we have an explicit email stating that Biden was profiting from Hunter’s illicit business dealings, in this case with China. We have IRS testimony that they have evidence of Biden meeting with these Chinese business officials with Hunter explicitly discussing Hunter’s business dealings. Biden just got caught, and we are sure to see his opposition surge.

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