Candace and Tucker Discuss Ben Shapiro Feud!

Candace Owens was on Tucker Carlson to respond to the latest bombshells thrown at her from her co-worker Ben Shapiro. Is there a civil war erupting inside the Daily Wire?

– Tucker points out that Ben agrees with the left on many significant issues of the day.

– They discuss the hypocrisy of many prominent figures and donors as they are now outraged about ‘antisemitism.’

– Neotribalism is reforming both the left and right.

Tucker Carlson invited Candace Owens on his show last night to respond to a viral and visceral video of Ben Shapiro saying this:

Tucker has a penchant for being able to effectively frame things in terms of their big picture. When it comes to the three biggest issues of our time, COVID-19, big Pharma, and Ukraine, Ben positioned himself on the left. That is the context that is very important for understanding why Tucker and Candace are chatting here. There is something problematic about Ben Shapiro’s ‘conservatism’ that these two are calling out.

Candace Owens drew comparisons with the BLM frenzy of the summer of 2020. Radical perspectivalism refers to a point of view that assumes one’s perspective represents reality in its absolute sense. Radical perspectivalism conflates one’s point of view with a totalizing picture of reality. If anyone diverges from that point of view, they are diverging from reality itself; and in the hands of the woke, that divergence deserves to be canceled. What Candace is saying here is that, seemingly without realizing it, Ben is adopting and embracing a comparable radical perspectivalism.

He is seemingly on the same side as the very BLM activists he so viscerally decries. He is exemplifying the radical perspectivalism that we see coming from the BLM types of the woke left. There is no basis for dissent. The moral imperative here is so momentous that any dissent is itself compliance with moral evil. This is the logic of BLM, and according to Candace, Ben Shapiro right now.

Tucker and Candace also discussed the donors of Harvard and Columbia who are pulling their money out of those institutions in response to the pro-Hamas activities on those college campuses. Both Tucker and Candace are asking why these donors did not care about the activities on college campuses over the last ten years when these very same students and faculty were saying the very same things, but directed against whites and supposed white suppression.

Michelle Mafesoli refers to this dynamic as neotribalism. This is a trend happening all over the world where more populations are realigning around regional, racial, and religious identities. On the right, this has been happening with the MAGA movement and the America First rallying cry. On the left, we are seeing a radically racial form of neo-trialism like with BLM or the La Raza movement among Latinos. Candace and Tucker point out that this disproportionate response of moral outrage from Ben Shapiro suggests that he is unwittingly embracing the very racial ethnic tribalism that is characteristic of the cultural Marxist left.

Instead of saying, ‘This is why we need to protect America’s borders,’ he’s instead insisting, ‘This is why we need to protect Israel’s borders!’ The intensity of Ben’s support, fidelity, and loyalty to Israel and the Jewish people appears disproportionate to comparably soft support, fidelity, and loyalty to America and the American people. That is both Candace’s argument and Tucker’s argument. It has integrity and ought to be deliberated and not callously dismissed.

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