Woke Companies COLLAPSING as Transgender Backlash Grows

Transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney shared his new partnership with Nike last week by posting himself in women’s workout clothing. This partnership follows Mulvaney’s recent sponsorship with Bud Light. Parent company Anheuser-Busch has lost over 6 Billion dollars since March 31st due to this marketing decision, as conservatives have no interest in financially supporting woke ideologies, and many conservative celebrities spoke out about this issue. Similar responses have followed in protest of Nike’s partnership choice with a “bra burn challenge” trending on TikTok.

Mulvaney has partnered with Nike Women to promote a sports bra and women’s leggings. Nike selected a biological male to represent a workout clothing article that exclusively benefits the physiology of a female. Nike has communicated to their customers through this sponsorship that they view men who are deluded and masquerade as a mirage of a woman as worthy to represent their women’s brand. Dylan said on his Instagram story debuting his collaboration with Nike, “Alert the Media— I’m entering my workout era.” Not only did Nike select a man to promote athletic clothing that is exclusively necessary to women, but they also chose someone who is not an athlete or experienced with exercise. In his Instagram story promoting Nike Women’s clothes, he dances and jumps in a manner that seemingly mocks female athleticism.

Many elite female athletes and activists for biological women’s fair treatment have addressed Dylan’s Nike Women’s collaboration. Riley Gaines, former University of Kentucky swimmer described Mulvaney’s depictions of women working out as “so incredibly degrading,” and Nike’s decision to make this deal as “making a mockery of women.” Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender woman and former Olympian, said, “It is a shame to see such an iconic American company go so woke!… We can be inclusive but not at the expense of the mass majority of people, and have some decency while being inclusive. This is an outrage.”

Several large companies have recently partnered with Mulvaney, and conservatives have spoken out in defiance of major brands like Bud Light, Kate Spade, and Nike aligning with such partners. Countless conservatives across the country have called for boycotts of these companies that actively oppose consumers’ values. These boycotts are the way that average Americans can express their values to woke corporations who have no regard for their consumer base. These boycotts have already significantly harmed Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch.

In Light of Anheuser-Busch’s boycott and financial loss, we may see the other companies that promote liberal agendas experience similar financial setbacks.

A Conservative who owns a brewery in Illinois created a new beer that he calls “Ultra-Right” in response to the Bud Light partnership which is already in bars across 42 states. The videos promoting this beer have received millions of views on YouTube. This popularity shows that Americans are tired of companies promoting damaging and erroneous beliefs, and are boycotting and looking for alternative products accordingly. Hopefully, we will see more companies stand up for the values of most Americans by creating and purchasing alternative products to those made by companies that support extremist ideologies.

Erin Casey is a Staff Writer at Turley Talks

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