Trump Dominates Polls While Support for Biden’s 2024 Run TANKS!

Trump is blowing it out of the water with new fundraising records while Democrats are openly panicking over Biden’s plummeting poll numbers! The latest polls are out, and there’s a reason Trump is raking in the dough!

– Trump polls higher than Biden, making Dems nervous!

– Trump leads over other candidates in many significant states.

– Trump campaign fundraisers make MILLIONS as Biden loses favor among voters.

President Trump is seeing a record surge in fundraising numbers as yet another indicator of his unassailed frontrunner status. The AP is reporting that Trump raised more than $34 million in the first quarter of the year, with over $15 million raised after the same indictment and arraignment by the Soros-backed DA Alvin Bragg! Trump raised over $4 million in the first 24 hours after the indictment, which is another incredible achievement that clearly shows his popularity among the base. This news of Trump’s fundraising dominance comes on the heels of more polling that shows Trump running away with the nomination. The latest Morning Consult poll has Trump with his biggest lead yet over DeSantis: 56 to 23. Trump keeps widening his lead as the other candidates all fade away.

In Kentucky Trump holds a nearly 40-point lead for the nomination. In Iowa, he has a 30-point lead, and in Georgia, he has a 21-point lead! The question of whether DeSantis was going to be able to provide a real challenge to Trump has been effectively decided. He simply can’t compete with Trump inside a party that has gone full MAGA. Even Mike Pence is at a total loss to explain Trump’s absolute dominance, especially in light of his dismal poll numbers:

It’s so sad to see what happened to Mike Pence. He had the opportunity to join the fight against the swamp and decided to go the easy route and take his place among the swamp creatures. Politico reported that there seems to be another angle for the surge in financial support for Trump which has to do with Trump’s near obsession with winning the ballot harvesting game. Ever since his speech at CPAC several weeks ago where he outlined his agenda and strategy to win in 2024, Trump made it clear that, under his leadership, we will master ballot harvesting. 

Since we are in a post-2020 election world, simply showing up at the polling stations on election day, which is the historic strength of the Republican Party, isn’t enough anymore. We have to master ballot harvesting to nullify the massive early vote advantage that the Democrats have been able to successfully exploit. It looks like Trump is pushing something like the SoCal Ballot Harvesting Strategy which is a successful strategy employed by Southern California Republicans who won two elections in a row in 2020 and 2022.

The Republicans largely won control of the House due to the SoCal ballot harvesting strategy. California Republicanshave been beating the Democrats at their own game by making conservative evangelical churches their absentee ballot centers.Drop boxes are being placed in the middle of churches throughout the districts. The parishioners are instructed on how to sign the ballot, and church administrators take the drop boxes directly to the register of voters. One Republican strategist reported that in 2020, Republicans used a drop box to collect over 12 thousand ballots from one single church alone in Southern California. This strategy has worked in two elections in a row!

It looks like donors are beginning to see a very clear path to victory by backing Trump. He has the party uniting behind him, and he has the ballot-harvesting strategy to avenge 2020! Even the legacy media is admitting that Biden’s poll numbers are so dire that it may be panic time in the Biden White House.

Politico has reported on the number of pundits who are increasingly admitting that Biden’s poll numbers are grim. Biden is polling at levels that usually don’t see incumbents return to the office! The Real Clear Politics polling aggregate, which averages all of the election polls, has Trump leading Biden 44 to 42. This is very dangerous polling territory for Biden, who led Trump by large margins in the Real Clear Politics aggregate in 2020, and the result was that Trump came within 30 thousand votes of beating him. Now we see Trump beating Biden in the aggregate polling, which is making Biden, Democrats, and their legacy media mouthpieces very nervous.

Over the weekend, Biden chided a Fox News reporter for pressing him on when he’s going to announce that he’s running again. There has been speculation that Biden will not run again given his age, cognitive decline, and overall unpopularity. Polls consistently show that a supermajority of voters don’t want Biden to run again. News outlets like to flash polls that show that 50% of the public thinks Trump should drop out after the indictment, but often neglect to show that 70% of people don’t want Biden to run again.

This kind of polling implosion is getting to Biden. He reportedly snapped at the reporter who kept pestering him to share when he was going to formally announce his reelection bid. He essentially tells the reporter to shut up about it because he’s going to announce and that’s that! We will see how that plays out, but Democrats are getting very nervous here with these polling averages. If the economy continues to tank and Trump continues to shore up his base and the overwhelming support of his party, 2024 promises to be epic.

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