RFK Jr. Endorses Trump: A Game-Changing Political Alliance Shakes Up 2024 Election

We are witnessing one of the most historic moments in our nation’s history. A political realignment is happening like never before, and the Deep State is in a full-blown panic. The RFK-Trump alliance represents one of the most epic moments in modern political history!

– On Friday, Robert Kennedy Jr. endorsed Trump at a rally in Arizona, forming a new political alliance that could significantly impact American politics.

– Kamala Harris’s polling was already struggling throughout the week, and the endorsement further weakened the Democrats’ position.

– The endorsement is likened to a fusion of the traditional political left and right, uniting voters on common issues like border security, tax reform, and reducing government intrusion.

On Friday, Robert Kennedy Jr. took the stage at a Trump rally in Arizona and solidified a new political alliance that promises to be a major game changer in American politics going forward. This endorsement completely deflated any momentum the Democrats hoped to have coming out of their ridiculous circus convention.

RFK erased the entire Democrat National Convention. Caroline Levit, press secretary for President Trump said, “President Trump’s acceptance of this endorsement literally blew up the Democrats’ 100 million-dollar convention week in one day.” Just from the vantage point of its timing this endorsement could not possibly have been better! Kamala’s polling was already imploding throughout the week.

Polymarket betting markets showed at the end of last week that Trump is leading in every single swing state. The Democrat convention was an obvious flop. It was a bizarre and strange convention that not even Oprah could rescue. They were so desperate for viewers the night Kamala spoke that they faked viewers into thinking there would be an appearance by a pop star like Beyoncé because nobody would come to see just Kamala.

Stephen Miller, senior advisor to President Trump, said that what we saw on Friday is the culmination point of the largest realignment in American politics since the reconstruction era. Jimmy Dore on the populist left appeared to concur. He contrasts the DNC with the Trump-Kennedy rally:

Jimmy Dore is reimagining the political divide in more populist terms rather than partisan terms. He is reimagining the political divide in more populist terms rather than partisan terms. The Trump-RFK alignment is moving away from this horizontal divide and it’s reconfiguring around a vertical divide between the people versus the permanent political class.

Dick Morris, the political strategist, wrote a very good article on the significance of the Bobby Kennedy endorsement. He’s likening it to a nuclear fusion between the traditional political left and right. Common sense border security, tax reform, health initiatives, bringing abortion back to the states, reforms that end violent crime, and reforms that roll back intrusive and obtrusive government are widely agreed upon by voters who align with the traditional left and right.

We can finally stop these elites from using all these issues as wedge issues that deliberately divide us rather than unite us. The more our political elites are seen as deliberately divisive, the greater the divide grows between the people and the political class. It’s a process known as dealignment, a breakdown of the bonds that used to exist between traditional political parties and their constituents. This breakdown in the bonds that voters have had with traditional parties is making it easier for new political challengers to rise up and take the nation in a new direction.

Nearly 200 counties in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, and Pennsylvania that had voted Democrat in every presidential election since the 1980s, including counties that had voted for Barack Obama twice, suddenly voted for Donald Trump. Some of these Trump won by as much as a 15% margin. In comparison to the previous presidential election in 2012, Trump got 180,000 more votes in Ohio than Romney, 165,000 more votes in Michigan, and an astounding 290,000 more votes in Pennsylvania. What happened Friday is the culmination of a massive political realignment that has been in the making for the last several years.

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