NFL Stars Ignores Officers in Traffic Stop, Blame Racism for Police Response

On Sunday before the Miami Dolphins game, NFL star player Tyreek Hill was pulled over by police for seemingly speeding in a construction zone. Body camera footage shows that he was disrespectful to police officers after being pulled over and directly ignored what they told him to do.

Tyreek Hill was pulled over for a seemingly completely understandable reason. When law enforcement officers gave him instructions to keep his window down, he completely ignored them and kept it up. They repeatedly asked him to lower his window, which many allege had an illegally dark tint, and after he refused to comply, they took him out of the car. He was not listening to them even at this point and acting shocked that they were actually forcing him out of the vehicle. He called someone to tell them he was being arrested as he was being pulled out of the car. He refused to sit as they were still instructing him, prompting more aggressive behavior from the police who were trying to get him to comply with their basic instructions which he defied throughout what could have been a routine traffic violation stop.

Hill tried to play the race card as he was asked to leave his car and the officer began to hold him:

He also gave a staple leftist excuse in these situations, claiming that he just had surgery on his knee when they repeatedly asked and tried to get him to sit on the curb as he was escalating the need for police involvement by frantically refusing to do everything they asked. This is clearly a ridiculous thing for him to say seeing as he was on his way to play in the NFL, so many are wondering how his knee was so injured that he could not sit on a curb but completely healed enough to play in the Dolphins’ game and score a touchdown a few hours after this encounter.

The police department at this time is standing by the actions of the officers involved in this dispute. Many NFL commentators and other news anchors are suggesting that the treatment these players, and particularly Hill, received was unacceptable and reflects poorly on the police department. These talking heads are claiming that black people are not safe when being pulled over by police as displayed by how these famous people were treated. Many have asked how ‘regular’ people would be treated if they were in the same situation.

Hill’s criminal history has also been part of this discussion, as he has pled guilty to felony domestic assault and other physical abuse charges relating to punching his pregnant girlfriend in college. He was no longer able to play Division 1 football at college but was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs who gave him a chance. He was suspended from the team after leaked audio came out seemingly revealing that he beat his 3-year-old son amid an investigation into child abuse. He has been involved in other lawsuits where a worker claimed he was assaulted by Hill, and an Instagram model claimed he was responsible for her broken leg. Hill refused to be respectful or responsible in his interaction with the police, which lines up with his previous history of crime and disrespect of others including his partners, children, and the people around him in general. The left may continue to try to come to the defense of disgraceful criminals. Still, more people are seeing through their villainization of police and glorification of criminal behavior as the entire country has been seeing increased crime in our communities and desperately wants this to end.

Erin Weeks is a Staff Writer at Turley Talks.

Copyright, 2024.

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