Elon Musk SILENCES BBC Reporter by Asking BASIC Questions!

– BBC reporter makes claims with NO evidence to support them!

– Musk turns the tables and interrogates the reporter about BBC’s covid misinformation spread!

– Elon Musk sees through assumptions in BBC reporter’s woke questions

Elon Musk recently sat down with a BBC reporter to discuss hate speech and Covid misinformation on Twitter, and the result was a masterclass in argumentation and debate.

Elon Musk used very effective argumentation and debate techniques. Woke liberals often operate with generalities, whining about ‘hate speech,’ and ‘racism.” To have a real, meaningful engagement with them, simply ask for specifics by asking, “Such as?” “Specifically?” “You talk about institutional racism, but WHICH institution? Which one is racist and specifically why?” “What specifically IS racism?” If you ask specific questions like these you’ll notice they tend to fail to have examples. This BBC reporter was caught flat-footed. He couldn’t cite a single example of this supposedly rampant hate speech on Twitter.

Elon was extremely direct in response: ‘I say, sir, then you don’t know what you’re talking about! You can’t name a single instance of hateful content and yet you claim that the presence of hateful content has increased! You’re telling me that there is an identifiable pattern to the data, even though you can’t cite a single data point! That’s demonstrably false and therefore, you, a reporter from the BBC, you just lied!’ The reporter then becomes a stuttering mess.

Additionally, the reporter cited the Institute for Strategic Dialogue as a source. Bill Gates and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation fund the ISD, which is an institute that exists to push far-left radicalism. Shockingly, this BBC reporter cites it as a reputable source, which is just another lie.

Musk is exceptional with his use of argumentation and debate strategy. Whenever a question is asked, the questioner always has assumptions in raising the question, and Musk pushes back on those assumptions. If a woke liberal asks, “Isn’t it racist to criticize BLM, Black Lives Matter?” You can answer that with another question, “Well, what do you mean by racist? What IS racism?” The initial question entailed an assumption that we both agree on the nature and definition of racism.

If you tune your ear to hear the assumptions in questions you can call them out. This is what Elon demonstrates in this interview. The assumption was that Twitter was somehow particularly prone to pushing Covid misinformation, especially after it relaxed its rules on what constitutes Covid misinformation. Musk went right for the jugular, ‘Wait a minute, what about the BBC’s rampant covid misinformation? What about your false reporting on the effectiveness of masks and your lack of reporting on adverse vaccine reactions? Does the BBC at all hold itself responsible for so much faulty and false reporting? Who is the BBC to question the integrity of anyone else on the matter of covid?’

Musk forced the reporter to open up about his assumptions, and of course, he couldn’t do it! Again, he was a stuttering mess, ‘This isn’t an interview about the BBC!’ In an era known as the information age where ordinary people have access to information that bypasses the legacy gatekeepers like the BBC, we the people can fact-check the fact-checkers whether this reporter likes it or not. We the people are now in a position to fact-check the legacy gatekeepers, which means they’re not gatekeepers of knowledge and information anymore. In this encounter with Elon Musk, the BBC just obviously learned that emerging truth the hard way!

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