Ana Kasparian REFUSES to Back Down From the Woke Mob!

3 May 2017; Ana Kasparian, Host, The Young Turks on the centre Stage at Collision 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Photo by Stephen McCarthy / Collision / Sportsfile

The woke left has officially lost another one, and it’s not just Bill Maher anymore. Ana Kasparian of the Young Turks is in a war with transgender activists, and that’s just the beginning! The latest controversies are tearing the liberal world apart, and wokeness is guaranteed to end the political left.

– Ana Kasparian’s commonsense tweets offended radical liberals.

– The inconsistency of the Liberal worldview is further exposed by the intolerant response to Ana’s tweets!

– Wanting to be called a WOMAN is offensive to Woke liberals!

Ana Kasparian of the ultra-left Young Turks is pushing back against the negativity she’s been receiving after she called transgender language degrading to women. She originally tweeted, ‘I’m a woman. Please don’t ever refer to me as a person with a uterus, birthing person, or person who menstruates. How do people not realize how degrading this is? You can support the transgender community without doing this shit.’ Almost immediately, British rapper and entrepreneur Zuby responded to the tweet with, ‘You know, your ‘side’ is gonna roast you know. I hope you’re ready for the tolerance!’ Kasparian responded: ‘They have the right to speak their piece, as do I,’ to which another respondent said: ‘They don’t think you have that right,’ to which Kasparian responded: ‘I can see that. Sad day for them.’

The woke didn’t disappoint- they swooped in as a mad mob to excommunicate Kasparian for her ‘wrong thinking.’ Through all of this, her crime was insisting that people refer to her as a ‘woman.’ One might think that in the age of pronoun designations, she would have that right. Usually, we are living in a time where we get to insist on how other people must refer to us, and using the wrong pronoun can lead to being fired in the age of Woke Inc. Ana’s ‘crime’ was insisting that people refer to her as a ‘woman’ and not as a ‘birthing person’ or anything else like that.

One woke activist tweeted out in response: ‘Oh f— off with this stupid made up bullshit. Trans folks are having their existence criminalized state after state and you want to whine about this shit.’ Another one wrote, ‘I’m unblocking you to tell you you’re a piece of shit for joining this transphobic mass hysteria while being silent about anti-trans legislation. How does a VERY SMALL niche of people using terms like birthing person to include trans men and non-binary ppl invalidate YOU? Get a GRIP!’ Another responded, ‘Actually thought you were one of the good ones but clearly I was wrong. Buying into the transphobic hysteria and spreading more ignorance and hate to a minority going through absolute hell right now. Shameful!’ And one other said, ‘Didn’t realize The Young Turks was right-wing now.’

Apparently, it’s right-wing to want to be called a woman. Unfortunately for these woke warriors, Kasparian didn’t back down. She wrote a follow-up tweet saying, ‘Lol! The meltdowns over wanting to be referred to as a woman rather than a “birthing person” is pretty wild. I’ll never apologize for that, especially as a biological woman who has had a fucking lifetime of being told I’m less than. I’m a woman. No apologies!’

First, Bill Maher railed against woke ideologies, then Piers Morgan, and now The Young Turks’ Ana Kasparian. So many on the left are railing against their fellow leftists. This clash inside the political left is reflective of an ideological inconsistency of leftist commitments to fairness and inclusion. When it comes to female sports, we either must err on the side of fairness and thus ban trans athletes from competing, or err on the side of inclusion and thus guarantee the end of women’s sports. Women’s sports would inevitably become dominated by biological males who identify as women, if we allow transgender athletes in women’s sports. Because this is a clash between two values, fairness and inclusion, inevitably there’s going to be a struggle whenever these two values clash.

One of the reasons we see this split on the left is that the Woke takes the side of inclusion, whereas the traditional left takes the side of fairness. As a result of the clash, fellow leftists find themselves on the receiving end of the rabid hostility that’s become so characteristic of the woke. This further exacerbates the clash. When a Democrat is asked if they support some woke agenda like CRT being taught in our schools or transgender athletes competing in women’s sports, the answers are generally split down the middle. However, when you ask Republicans the same questions about whether or not they support various woke issues, the answer is a resounding no. Wokeness is splitting the left and uniting the right.

The right is far more likely to vote against wokeness than the left is to vote for it. This is why there are revolts against all things woke even in leftwing liberal Meccas like San Francisco. A few months ago, 3 woke members from the San Francisco unified school board were recalled by parents by 70-80% of the vote. There are examples of clear repudiation of wokeness all over the country, even in some of the most traditionally liberal places. If the woke continue to react so viscerally to their leftists, inevitably there’ll be very few faithful Woke liberals left!

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