Trump Miraculously Survived Assassination Attempt!

We’ve been talking about our fears for Trump’s safety every week for months now. We have all witnessed a true miracle of God over this weekend!

– After being shot, Donald Trump rose with blood across his face and raised his fist, shouting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” to patriots around him and across the nation.

– Instead of a national trauma, Trump turned the moment into a symbol of triumph and unity.

– The crowd’s bravery and diligence allowed Trump to rise defiantly and call for continued fighting, leading to chants of “USA! USA! USA!” from the crowd.

Donald Trump had a historic and iconic reaction to being shot. He rose up with blood spilling down the side of his head, not knowing the full extent of his injuries and not knowing what would become of himself, raising his fist high in the air. Without a shred of thought for himself, he shouted out to all of those patriots that surrounded him, and patriots all over the nation and he shouted out three times: ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’

This was comparable to William Wallace calling on his fellow country men to rise up and fight for their freedom, no matter what happens to him. Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

What we all witnessed on Saturday was a miracle! Here we see a graphic of just how infinitesimally close Donald Trump came to certain and instant death!

Had he not turned his head just ever so slightly out of the way of that bullet, the catastrophe that we would have all witnessed on live television would be more than any of us could bear. We were spared far more than a national trauma. We were spared what would have been one of the most catastrophic events in modern politics anywhere in the world and it may have been the event that ripped our nation apart forever.

Instead, the bullet zipped centimeters from Trump’s head merely nicking his ear. Trump rose from what would have been one of the single most traumatic events in all of modern politics and transformed it into the most iconic moment of triumph and victory. He turned a moment that would have torn our nation apart and transformed it into a moment when we the people became more united than ever!

The patriots that were there at the rally, who spotted the gunman before the Secret Service even did, alerted authorities. Because of our own diligence and care for president Trump and for one another, all that attention forced the shooter to hurry his shots and that contributed to causing him to miss.

Those brave patriots in the crowd stood their ground! All they cared about was Trump! The only reason why Trump could rise up, with his hand defiantly raised, and exhort all of us to keep on fighting is because our fellow patriots at that rally stood their ground! They stood there with him and they did not run! They responded to Trump’s call to fight with chants of ‘USA! USA! USA!’

Copyright, 2024.

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