TikTok Doctor Says It’s OK to Be Obese?!

According to the CDC, obesity-related diseases are the top cause of death in the US and worldwide. Obesity leads to and worsens many deadly conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. Knowing this basic information, it seems unthinkable that a doctor would promote obesity as an acceptable or healthy lifestyle. However, a video of a doctor on TikTok has been trending where she discusses obesity with a very non-traditional and non-scientifically backed point of view.

She alleges that “it is ok to be fat,” “it needs to be normalized that if you are fat that is ok,” and that “it is ok to not be healthy.” It is unclear what the benefit would be of going to a doctor who does not think that being healthy is necessary. How can they be trusted to notice if anything is wrong with a patient’s health if they think that being unhealthy is ‘ok?’ Why does she warn of the risks of fatphobia rather than the risks of obesity itself? It is unclear how a doctor practicing according to these ideas would even benefit their clients or assist them in becoming healthier.

The health industry has sadly lost most of its remaining credibility as trust in medical professionals has cratered in recent years. The medical field’s support for horrible things like abortion, transgender procedures, and drugging children and adults with ineffective and dangerous mental health drugs has contributed to this lack of trust. The recent spike in the decline of confidence in the medical industries was directly due to Covid policies such as rigorously enforced mask mandates, the push for vaccinations without typical testing or evidence of safety, and the medical community’s refusal to acknowledge the inefficacy of masks and the vaccination.

Many Americans have been turning towards more ‘holistic healthcare’ approaches in light of the crumbling trust in Big Pharma. This is seen in the rising awareness of the benefits from living a natural lifestyle that focuses on getting enough exercise, nutrients, and sunlight rather than drugging every single issue. ‘Eastern’ medicine is also on the rise as the West is exploring more ways of understanding health and wellness since Western medicine is corrupt. This is all due to the increasing corruption and deception from Big Pharma companies worldwide which has permanently imploded the public’s trust in Western medicine.

Erin Weeks is a Staff Writer at Turley Talks.

Copyright, 2024. TurleyTalks.com

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