RINO Steve Scalise OUT as MAGA Forces REVOLT!

UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 11: House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., R-Texas, is seen in the Capitol Visitor Center after an all members briefing on the attack on Israel on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Scalise and the House Republican Conference were heading to the speaker of the house election in Longworth Building. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

The RINO wing of the Republican Party is getting slammed by MAGA forces rising up and taking back their party. We are going to see the latest of what’s happening in the fight for the speakership and what it all means for a new MAGA leadership over the GOP!

– Rep. Steve Scalise has dropped out of consideration for House speaker after narrowly winning the nomination in a secret ballot vote.

– The vote was 113-99 in Scalise’s favor, but the decision faced backlash from grassroots Republicans.

– The backlash against Scalise and the current GOP leadership reflects a growing desire among the grassroots for a more representative Republican Party.

Rep. Steve Scalise has dropped out of consideration for House speaker Scalise won the nomination this week after a secret ballot vote held behind closed doors on Wednesday by the House Republican Conference. Scalise just beat out Jim Jordan, who President Trump endorsed. The vote was 113-99. The Republican establishment gave him the nomination. Here’s a perfect example of what gets you leadership positions in Washington:

What happened in Israel was horrific. We can all agree on that. The ISIS-like tactics of Hamas, was horrific. But why would it be the number one priority of the Republican Congress? What is the matter with these people? This is not to minimize the horror of what happened there, but why is the first order of business always involving something other than America? This globalist obsession with anything and everything outside our borders is what drives patriots crazy. Our own nation is experiencing a catastrophic unprecedented invasion by the millions with hundreds of thousands dying by the year from overdosing on the drugs smuggled in through that invasion. Somehow, the first order of business is to pass a resolution over someone else’s border.

Obviously, it shouldn’t surprise you that Scalise is absolutely pro-Ukraine and pro-military industrial complex. With a Scalise speakership, the money would continue to flow to Ukraine completely unabated. The repulsive Adam Kinzinger has endorsed Scalise, saying he’s the best choice for continuing the absurd status quo with Ukraine!

Those politics are being challenged like never before! The MAGA forces in the Republican Party far outweigh anything the donor class can muster. Those MAGA forces rose up en masse and pushed back against both McCarthy and now Scalise. Scalise is gone because of the backlash from patriots. The rabidly anti-Trump Washington Times is reporting that a number of Republican representatives who voted behind closed doors for Scalise ended up distancing themselves from him after they got an earful from their constituents.

The grassroots backlash forced a number of Republicans to change course on this ridiculous decision. There was a groundswell of opposition from patriots pushing back against this ridiculous decision to replace one RINO with another, although Scalise is less bad than McCarthy. McCarthy was shameless in terms of his love for the establishment swamp. He’s a California Republican, whereas Scalise is from Louisiana, which at least tempered his RINO tendencies. Regardless, he has gone because MAGA forces are now rising up like never before and taking back their party!

So now, the question is: who replaces him? Who is going to get this speakership? There are a few names that are being put out there. Lee Zeldin of New York, Kevin Hern of Oklahoma, Mark Green of Tennessee, and Ohio congressman Jim Jordan are all being considered. Rep. Troy Nehls of Louisiana has already nominated President Trump for speaker, and is once again pushing Trump now that Scalise has dropped out. His reasoning is simple. Why not rally around the leader of our party? Trump has endorsed Jim Jordan for speaker saying he can absolutely get behind him, and the vast majority of the Republican grassroots is behind either Trump or Jordan. This begs the question: why did congressional Republicans turn around and endorse Scalise?

To really get what’s happening among congressional Republicans, we need to make a distinction between a populist right party vs a populist lite party. That’s an important distinction to make to understand why we have so many Benedict Arnold’s like Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and Liz Cheney. A populist right party is a MAGA party, meaning that its leadership faithfully represents the values, interests, and concerns of the grassroots. A populist right party exemplifies continuity between the voters and their representatives.

Trump has such loyalty among the grassroots because he faithfully represented and defended the peoples’ values, interests, and concerns. On the other hand, a populist lite party is a party that has a MAGA base and a nationalist populist grassroots, but a neocon establishment leadership that takes its marching orders from the permanent political class. The RINO neocon establishment leadership campaigns embracing the values, interests, and concerns of the people, but governs according to the values, interests, and concerns of the permanent political class.

The same donors are cutting checks to Democrats. That is what makes up the uniparty. In a populist lite party, the leadership governs with an establishment mentality which always digresses back to globalist norms, which so often involve alienating their Deplorables base and throwing them under the bus. This is because a populist right party and a populist lite party operate by two fundamentally different politics.

The key here is for the populist grassroots to dominate the Republican Party so that the GOP actually becomes the Patriot Party. We have to dominate the party that the likes of McCarthy and McConnell and Pence never assume leadership again. That is what is animating the backlash against McCarthy and Scalise.

We will obviously keep an eye on how things develop here, but one thing is clear with this speaker fight. Grassroots patriots are done with the RINO leadership. They are done with the uniparty and the populist lite GOP. They demand their leadership represent the values, interests, and concerns and not the values, interests, and concerns of the permanent political class. Those days are officially over!

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