PornHub ADMITS They Are TRYING to ‘Convert’ Straight Men and Target KIDS!

Senior staff members for PornHub and parent company ‘Aylo’ admitted on video that they are actively trying to ‘convert’ straight people, and they have no regard for children’s easy access to pornography.

In a highly disturbing video posted by Sound Investigations, an undercover reporter recorded conversations with PornHub workers discussing the ease to access the website and the intentional ways that it markets LGBT content.

Mike Farley, a Technical Product Manager at MindGeek (which has been renamed Aylo and is the parent company of PornHub) was asked, “How easy is it for an underage person to view the site?” He responded with a creepy smile, “just go to the site.”

Dillon Rice, a “senior script writer” for MindGeek (Aylo), said, “Let’s say you’re 12 years old. You’re still figuring out your sexuality, maybe even your gender. Wouldn’t it be helpful to see, not a celebration, but maybe a normalization of something that you think is what you want? Probably helps a lot.” Then he said, “Let’s say I was 12 years old and I saw like TransAngels, I saw all these different sites. It would help me figure out what I do like and what I don’t like.”

He continued, saying, “They [MindGeek/Aylo] need to try to push stuff that is more, less, less accepted. Like putting a trans male or a trans female in a scene, you wouldn’t get that on a normal mainstream site. So test it out, see if you get a bigger audience with it. See if you can convert somebody, right? Like maybe somebody who has never looked for anything like that might find it interesting and click on it. Same thing for bi stuff, same thing for gay.”

This is a very interesting claim that the leftists should be panicking over and denouncing. The left has entirely rejected the idea that sexuality is anything that can be ‘influenced’ or ‘converted.’ When Christians describe their change of heart and desires as they were called by Christ out of darkness, the left ridicules the idea that sexuality can be ‘converted’ based on morality. This is because a crucial part of the mainstream LGBT propaganda is that deviant sexualities are ‘inherent’ or ‘immutable.’ If someone believes something is inherent to who they are, they will be unlikely to do anything to change and better themselves or seek help. This is why this concept of the pornography industries claiming that they are attempting to convert people’s sexualities is important to understand. It helps expose this lie by the mainstream LGBT movement that sexuality is ‘unchangeable.’

The undercover journalist asked Sylvain Fernandez, a production coordinator at MindGeek (Aylo), about a study stating the average age that kids are viewing pornography is 11. She inquired about his thoughts on this and he replied, “Sounds like my age… It’s definitely associated with puberty… A lot of those religious groups will tell you that it’s not. And that’s wrong.” When asked if he believes kids access, MindGeek’s/Aylo’s gay pornography site, he responded, “Yeah, yeah, I think they still go on there for sure.” He expressed his opinion that PornHub “has some educational aspects about it,” and continued discussing the ‘benefits’ these sites can have on ‘confused and lonely’ LGBT kids.

Rice claimed, “You try to see how much you can take of that (trans and gay content from the trans and gay porn sites under parent company MindGeek) and bring it to mainstream vanilla content.” He continued that with sites that are primarily targeting “straight” (using air quotes) men, they “try to push the envelope as much as you can, like, okay, can I hint at, like, bi content here?… What if we brought a trans talent to the site? And you kind of like take those risks to try to broaden it a little more, even though you know you have those other sites dedicated to that. You’re always trying to push it a little further.”

This interview is deeply disturbing, but it proves that people are actively pushing pornography onto children and are actively promoting LGBT fringe ideas onto children to ‘convert’ straight children and further confuse them. Pornography is deeply harmful to the physical and mental health of all people, but has extremely severe impacts on children who are exposed at a young age. Although the left and LGBT mainstream people are pushing the narrative that porn is harmless and that there is no agenda to promote LGBT ideas on kids, we have clear evidence that this is not true. Hopefully as this bombshell video circulates, more states will enact legislation to ban pornography being distributed to children as a start.

Erin Weeks is a Staff Writer for Turley Talks.

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