Mainstream Media’s Coverage of Trump has been Outrageous!

Celebrity Amber Rose called out the Trump-is-a-Nazi media for all her 20 million+ social media fans to see. The harrowing events of this past weekend marked the end of the era of the legacy media. The irony is that they only have themselves to blame for their own colossal implosion!

– The events following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump have marked a significant shift in the media landscape and political dynamics.

– CNN’s initial headline, “Secret Services rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally,” showcased the legacy media’s inability to provide accurate and timely information.

– The legacy media’s handling of these events has exposed their bias and inability to adapt to the changing political and media landscape.

Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene showed everyone how it’s done, especially after the harrowing events of last weekend. On the morning after the train wreck of a debate on June 27th, as we were sifting through the rubble of that colossal political implosion, many said that that night marked the end of the Biden presidency.

Incredibly, things have only gotten worse for Bumblin’ Biden ever since! In a similar way, this past Saturday, at 6:11pm, we witnessed the end of the legacy media. That assassination attempt ironically was the final kill shot of the legacy media. While the legacy media at large was wasting the world’s time with their asinine headlines and idiotic dithering, such as when CNN first broke the news by claiming that ‘Secret Service rushed Trump off stage because he fell,’ the entire world was finding out what was really happening in real time on X, formerly known as Twitter!

This was THE event that put X at the center of the digital information universe. Elon Musk said as much, tweeting, ‘I tried using both 𝕏 and legacy media this weekend, but legacy media was so far behind and wrong that it was pointless.’ The legacy media was literally rendered pointless!

Pollster and focus group coordinator Frank Luntz’s tweet from the first night of the convention said, ‘Last night, voters saw a Republican Party that they (and I) have never seen before. A stage filled with hardworking taxpayers, African-Americans, working women, union members, and delegates dancing in the aisles. Speeches bashing Corporate America and the status quo. We witnessed the realignment of American politics, Trump-style.’

And he’s absolutely right. We are seeing a massive defection among white working class voters away from the Democrats and to Trump! Studies have shown a comparable defection among working class voters throughout Europe as well. We are seeing a working class political realignment away from the Democrats and towards the new Trump Republican Party. By contrast, here is what MSNBC was ‘reporting’:

Borderline illiterate Joy Reid delivered an incoherent rant! Her mental processing has been radically polluted by her total hatred of Trump. The MSNBC panel handled the brother who spoke at the RNC on behalf of his sister who was murdered at the hands of an illegal alien:

Leftwing activist Chris Hayes basically mocked the family of Rachel Morin, who was raped and murdered by an illegal migrant allegedly. MSNBC refused to show Rachel’s family. Her brother gave a very moving and powerful speech on the horrific consequences of open borders, but MSNBC did NOT report on that. Instead, they mocked how the Republican Convention was exhibiting on stage ‘ordinary everyday Americans’ like this guy. They said ‘I didn’t think it work, I mean, who after all would be stupid enough to fall for this, but I guess there’s lots of stupid people out there!’

This is propaganda, and the entire world is witnessing the exposing of this nonsense for what it really is. Elon Musk is right: the legacy media today is utterly pointless. The wonderful news is that this weekend the whole world realized just how pointless they really are!

Copyright, 2024.

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