Liberals Are Rejecting the Woke Left for Trump!

Are we witnessing a massive political realignment? One of the major fallouts coming from the Israel-Hamas war is the very real crackup of the political left, where pro-Israeli and pro-Hamas sympathies have begun publicly clashing. This clash is causing several liberals to renounce the left and openly embrace President Trump.

– Many leftists disagree with the pro-Hamas side of the left.

– Leftist writer Bari Weiss denounced the left and their radical support of Hamas and other issues just because Trump supported them.

– Many on the left are coming out with perspectives that the Democrat Party is shifting too far left.

Mark Fisher is an avowed leftist, the founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Rhode Island, and chairman of BLM in Maryland. But listen to what he recently had to say about the mistreatment of the J6 prisoners:

He has gone beyond speaking up for the mistreatment of J6 prisoners. He is now publicly endorsing President Trump. He is not alone. Former New York Times reporter and self-proclaimed liberal Bari Weiss has just written a scathing critique of her fellow leftists which publicly declared a mea culpa for her denunciation of President Trump. She writes, “As a Democrat who has been left homeless, who is now definitely in the center but probably leaning increasingly right, I am left yet again with an appreciation, despite the messenger, of the message of the Trump administration because what those guys did was pretty incredible in hindsight.”

She continued, “So much of the work that happened in that Trump administration turns out to have been right. And that’s what is so frustrating for me. The work on the border wall? We didn’t like the messenger, so we killed the message. Turned out it was right. Issuing long-term debt to refinance when rates were at zero? We didn’t like the messenger, so we killed the message. A structural peace in the Middle East? We didn’t like the messenger, so we killed the message.”

“When are we gonna stop shooting ourselves in the foot? And when are we going to see and take the time to look past who is saying things and listen to them word for word? If it’s clear that the last two weeks have been a wake-up call, the next question is: Why?”

“Part of the answer is the sheer depravity of Hamas’s terrorism. [But] That depravity has made the justification and celebration of their acts by those who police pronouns that much starker. The contradictions and moral bankruptcy of a worldview that spends years worrying about microaggressions and tone policing, but can’t decide what side it is on after the beheading of babies, aren’t exactly difficult to spot.”

She concludes, “To put it another way: when Black Lives Matter organizations are lionizing Islamist terrorists by posting a paraglider logo, you’d be a fool not to reassess things… The events of the last week have shattered the illusion that wokeness is about protecting victims and standing up for persecuted minorities. This ideology is and has always been about the one thing many of us have told you it is about for years: power… And after the last two weeks, there can be no doubt about how these people will use any power they seize: they will seek to destroy, in any way they can, those who disagree.”

What Bari Weiss just said there fits very well with refeudalization, where our society is increasingly resembling the kind of caste system akin to the class structure of the middle ages. At one level, we have a massive amount of power and wealth being accumulated and centralized in the hands of very few people made up of billionaires and bureaucrats. Simultaneously, we are seeing today a comparable kind of religious fanaticism through a clerisy class. This is a pseudo-intellectual class dedicated to woke fanaticism made up of race, gender, and sex.

These twin dynamics are shaping what scholars increasingly call a neo-feudalized society where bureaucrats and billionaires are teaming up to create a top-down governance structure that is accumulating unprecedented levels of power and affluence. At the same time this is happening, we are seeing more billionaires and bureaucrats enforcing a highly woke, dogmatic ideology that’s designed to destroy any legitimate basis for dissent.

Radical woke fanaticism protects the power and affluence of the billionaire and the bureaucrat by silencing any opposition to neo-feudalized dynamics. As we all know, those who refuse to comply with this woke fanaticism that’s used to keep people subservient to the billionaires and the bureaucrats are in effect excommunicated through cancel culture. These people are branded as a heretic, which today involves being labeled a racist, bigot, sexist, and all kinds of phobes!

The key in all of this is that the concept of victimhood is exploited by these woke fanatics as grounds for shutting down people they don’t agree with. There is no discussion or basis for dialogue or legitimate disagreement. Wokeness is a radical, fundamentalist ideology that exploits victimhood as a basis to shut down any dissent. It is totalitarian by its very nature.

What we are seeing happening on the political left right now is that those who sympathize with the plight of the Israeli people are just now recognizing the fanatical nature of the woke left. It took this horror for them to realize that there’s no difference between their fellow woke leftists and Hamas. Both are celebrating the same things and denouncing the same people. We will have to see how many of them will vote for Trump. The barriers to political realignment are very formidable and stubborn, but if the political left does finally fracture as the result of the fallout from the Middle East, we may be looking back at October 7 as the day President Trump got reelected!

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