Kamala Harris Loses Key Muslim Endorsement in Michigan, Strengthening Trump’s Position

Kamala is chanting “down with deportation.” It would be a shame if everyone in the swing states saw this, given that mass deportations are supported by the supermajority. A major Democrat just endorsed President Trump, all but handing him the key swing state of Michigan. At the same time we are starting to see the polls break for Trump all across the nation.

– Amer Galib, mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, endorsed Trump.

– Friction between the Muslim community and Democrats has grown due to cultural clashes and responses to the Israeli-Gaza conflict.

– Kamala’s campaign is losing working-class support, with two-thirds of the Teamsters’ union favoring Trump.

The mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, which is the only city in the country to have an all-Muslim city council, Amer Galib has just officially endorsed President Trump. Kamala has now lost the Kennedy vote, the union vote, and is in the process of losing the Muslim vote, which is critical for a Democrat to win the key swing state of Michigan.

Hamtramck is located just outside of Detroit. It is the first Muslim-majority city in the nation, and that status was solidified a few years ago when voters there elected the first all-Muslim city council. Historically, Hamtramck has voted inline with its neighboring city of Dearborn, which is a heavily Democrat district. They voted for Biden by 70% in 2020. But since then, things have gotten very tense between the Muslim community and the Democrats.

For example, this all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck recently voted unanimously to officially ban the LGBT pride flagfrom being flown on all city property. Their secular Democrat constituency obviously flipped out, but the Muslim Democrat constituency was all for it. The ban was and continues to be overwhelmingly popular.

There has already been some very noticeable friction going on inside the Democrat Party between Muslims and non-Muslims as the Muslim Democrats wanted nothing to do with the cult of wokeness. That friction exploded with the Israeli attack on Gaza in response to the October 7th Hamas attack, and that ignited a very real civil war inside the Democrat Party between pro-Palestinian progressives and pro-Israeli liberals. That civil war has caused a number of prominent Democrats to leave the party like billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman.

Ackman was a major donor to the Democrats, but he is now fully on board with Trump largely because of the rabid anti-semitism that he’s seen inside the Democrat Party. This civil war was evident during the Democrat primaries as well. During the Michigan primaries, Biden lost Dearborn even though he won it by 70% of the vote in 2020.

One of the most prominent politicians in these densely Muslim populated regions just officially endorsed Trump. This civil war that has broken out inside the Democrat Party is real and it is having some major political ramifications. This endorsement is probably, at least in part, in retaliation for the Democrats freezing out the pro Palestinian voice from their convention. They platformed everyone at that bizarre convention except for pro Palestinian voices.

This endorsement, at least in part, was likely in retaliation for that blacklisting. If the Muslim vote follows suit, this is an absolute disaster for Kamala’s fledgling campaign. At the same time, we are now seeing polls coming out of neighboring Minnesota that show that Kamala is now officially weaker than even Hillary Clinton was back in 2016 when she almost lost Minnesota. The latest Mason-Dixon poll has this contest to within 5 in a state that even voted Democrat in 1984, when every single other state voted Republican.

In New York, a state that Biden won by 23 points, Kamala is up by just 12. The polls look like they have finally started to break in Trump’s favor. again. The polls showing who voters trust more with the major issues show Trump crushing Kamala on immigration and the southern border, the economy and jobs, inflation, and violent crime. It was only a matter of time before voters began to align their candidate choice with their trust.

Kamala has completely hemorrhaged the working class vote. The Teamsters, which is the largest labor union in the nation, polled their 1.3 million membership and found that two thirds were voting for Trump. There is no way around this. Outside of the most radical of shenanigans, there is no way around losing the working class vote and the Muslim vote in Michigan. Things continue to fall apart for Kamala. As we enter the home stretch, it looks as if her campaign is unraveling.

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