Jack Smith May Be INDICTED!

It looks like the Republicans are finally waking up. Who would have ever thought? The Republican rank and file, the grassroots, are seething. We are rising and we are rebelling against our feckless Republican leadership. They’re finally responding, and they are ready to actually fight against this rogue DOJ that has become, for all practical purposes, the DNC headquarters. They are taking direct aim at Jack Smith, this pathetic, repulsive rogue prosecutor, who may end up getting indicted himself as a result of this latest, desperate attempt to thwart what is appearing to be inevitable at this point: the re-ascendence of Donald J. Trump to the presidency.

– Many are pointing out the hypocrisy of Jack Smith in his charges against Trump.

– More Americans are seeing this indictment as a sham and politically motivated.

– The argument framework he uses could be reversed on his behavior and could also apply to his tactics used trying to indict Trump.

When one acts dishonestly, that corruption inevitably initiates compounding deceptions that eventually and inexorably run out of control. The deceiver may end up caught in his own spun web. That is what appears to be happening to the absurd special prosecutor Jack Smith and his utterly ridiculous sham indictment against President Trump. According to Harvard Constitutional Professor Alan Dershowitz speaking on Fox Business the other day, Smith himself could be indicted under the very terms of the indictment itself. The core of the indictment is that Donald Trump lied to the public. Jonathan Turley, professor of law at George Washington University, argued against this indictment saying that this is basically the prosecution of free speech.

The government is now officially threatening to throw you in jail if you speak out against their approved narratives. If they say an election is pristine and secure, and you publicly declare there was fraud, they now can throw you into prison. As a way of getting around that charge, Smith is trying to convince a jury that Trump knowingly lied. He is arguing that the election of 2020 was pristine. Trump knew that, but he decided to lie about it anyway, and in lying about it, he incited a riot.

Anyone can see, just on the surface, how absurd this is. Everyone knows that Trump is convinced the election was stolen. Even if he is wrong and delusional, there is no way anyone could make the plausible argument that Trump believes that the 2020 election was completely pristine and fair. Jack Smith stepped into one of the worst self-owns imaginable because he cited as evidence that Trump knew there was no fraud. He said that Trump was told there was no widespread fraud by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The reason that was such a ridiculous self-own is that we now know, thanks to the “Twitter Files,” that that agency directly interfered in the 2020 election by censoring Americans.

They worked closely with Twitter employees on numerous occasions to deliberately censor social media posts that they described as ‘Russian disinformation’, like the notion that Biden’s son had a laptop filled with emails detailing illicit international business deals he made with his father along with crack-induced pornographic photographs. This came directly from this agency that Smith cites as a reputable source for election integrity. This prosecutor cited as his evidence a department that the Twitterfiles revealed to be engaged in the very shenanigans Trump talked about.

It gets worse for Smith. Even if Trump knowingly lied, that’s still protected speech. He can’t be prosecuted for saying things he knows are not true. So many politicians would be prosecuted if that were the case. The Supreme Court has ruled on this. Under an opinion by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, they ruled that under the First Amendment, there is no such thing as a false opinion or a false idea. The response to a false idea is the marketplace of ideas. Apart from material incidents, like signing a contract or defamation, which is itself very hard to prove, lying isn’t a criminal offense!

Dershowitz also argued that he read through all 40+ pages and concluded that it was one of the most bizarre documents he had ever read, especially given the fact that it lays the groundwork for the indictment of the very person issuing the indictment. If the core of the indictment is that Donald Trump lied to the public, then Jack Smith himself has a problem. This is because Jack Smith cites Donald Trump’s speech from January 6th as his central evidence. In many respects, it’s the centerpiece of the indictment in terms of the evidence given. The problem is that Jack Smith, according to Dershowitz, deliberately, willfully, and with malice leaves out Trump’s call for his supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically.”

The indictment leaves out the keywords ‘peacefully and patriotically’, which places the speech thoroughly within the realm of protections of the first amendment. He deliberately misrepresented what Trump said. As Dershowitz asserted, that is a lie called a lie of omission, and if you’re going to indict someone for telling lies, maybe Jack Smith should not also be lying to try to create his evidence.

The fourth of the four charges Trump is being indicted for is for his alleged ‘Conspiracy against rights,’ which involves two or more persons conspiring to injure and deny somebody the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured him by the constitution. If a court, or the Supreme Court ultimately rules that Donald Trump had a right under the First Amendment to make his Jan. 6 speech and to do what he did, conspired to deny him of his rights. That’s how serious this indictment is.

Dershowitz brilliantly deconstructed this indictment as nothing more than a ridiculous parody of repulsiveness. It appears that things are heating up as Republicans are coming out in full swing and are ready to take this nut prosecutor down.

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