Hillary Pushes for Civil Penalties on Disinformation, Ignoring Her Own Role in Spreading Falsehoods

Hillary Clinton, the Queen of the Russian collusion hoax that cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in a wasted investigation, is now calling for the jailing of Americans who spread misinformation. We’re going to look at the latest incoherent drivel coming from this washed up lady and we are going to see what’s really behind this hysterical hypocritical rant.

– Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, advocating for penalties against disinformation.

– Sworn testimony from Robert Mook confirmed Clinton knew the information she shared was false.

– Clinton’s rhetoric is part of a “risk society,” where politicians amplify public fears to increase control.

The author of the Russian collusion hoax was just on with her chief apologist Rachel Maddow on the misinformation channel, MSNBC. The conversation took a bizarre and embarrassingly hypocritical turn. Hillary advocated for civil or criminal penalties against Americans who peddle disinformation. Now there are so many angles we can rip this apart from.

Hillary denounced the spread of misinformation. She contributed to the fabrication of the Russian collusion hoax and she approved a plan to disseminate that hoax to a legacy media all-too willing to report it. Rachel Maddow was excoriated by her fellow journalists for her dereliction of duty as a supposed journalist. Hillary tweeted this out on October 31st of 2016:

She knew she was tweeting out misinformation that she herself helped fabricate. Sworn court testimony from Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, Robert Mook, confirms that she knew when she tweeted that out that it was misinformation. What she is saying is a matter of self-interest. She is scared to death of what might happen to her and her ilk if Trump walks back into that Oval Office with the power of the presidency.

Hillary and the deep state believe the return of Trump is an absolute existential threat to their power and control. As Trump has admitted, he was far too trusting in his first term. He tried to make peace with the establishment in the hopes that they would cooperatively go along with his reforms, but instead, they sought to betray and undermine him every step of the way. Hillary is drawing from frames of reference that comprise what scholars call a ‘risk society.’

A risk society involves the various ways in which politicians increase their power and control by alarming the population of the immanence of harm and danger. We saw this unfortunately coming from the Republicans after 9/11, with the justification of the passage of the Patriot Act which initiated the rise of the surveillance state. The anti-terrorist measures that Republicans passed in the early 2000s are now being used against predominantly Republicans as we are seeing with the J6 protestors, who have now been deemed one of the single greatest threats to our democracy.

Hillary Clinton’s propaganda being effective requires that she convince a significant number of people that their safety is at risk and the only solution to that danger is for them to give up some of their freedoms. This is the pattern of the expansion of the state in what scholars call a risk society. That is why they focus so much attention on the threats of ‘disinformation.’ Hillary Clinton just gave us a masterclass on that very Democrat deception!

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