Congressional Democrats are at Risk of Losing in 2024 Because of Biden’s Implosion!

The left is panicking as Biden is under more criticism for remaining in the race. Even Nancy Pelosi is refusing to say whether she supports Biden staying in this race. That is exactly what we’re seeing all throughout the swamp of DC. The walls are closing in on Biden as an overwhelming sense of doom completely engulfs the Democrat Party!

– Biden’s campaign is in severe disarray, with just over 100 days until the election.

– Internal polls suggest Trump is leading in traditionally blue New York, prompting calls for Biden to step down.

– Down-ticket Democrats are panicking, fearing a loss of up to 20 seats due to Biden’s implosion.

It is widely being acknowledged that Biden’s campaign is in complete tatters. Just over 100 days away from the election, things could not possibly be worse. Biden’s campaign is a catastrophe growing by the day. The Democrats are in total disarray. The latest to allegedly turn on Biden is Chuck Schumer! Numerous reports indicate that he is privately telling Democrat operatives that he is very open to replacing Biden on the ticket.

Another top Democrat is sounding the alarm that now New York is a battleground state. There are reportedly internal polls that are showing that Trump has taken the lead in New York, one of the most solid blue states in the nation when it comes to presidential races. He’s voicing this as evidence that Biden has to go. If Biden stays on the ticket, the Democrats risk losing New York. A Biden delegate from California said the not-so-quiet part out loud:

Democrats are saying that this is going to be a bloodbath! They have completely lost all confidence in their presumed nominee. What we’re actually seeing now are four distinct dynamics emerge that are all coalescing into a giant whirlpool that’s pulling the Biden campaign into the abyss.

The first dynamic is the media’s sudden and dramatic turn on Biden. They may be trying to salvage whatever scraps of credibility they have left after covering up Biden’s cognitive decline these last 3 ½ years. Right now they are trying to pass off the notion that they were duped by Biden’s aids. Whatever it is, they know they have to save face. They are being absolutely BRUTAL to Biden right now. Here’s the latest from Jake Tapper of CNN:

The second dynamic that’s sinking the Biden campaign are of course the polls. The polling fallout from the debate debacle simply could not be worse. The latest CBS poll found that 72% of voters think Biden should end his campaign. At the same time, Trump is running away with it in the polls. He now has his highest lead ever in the RCP polling aggregate. In a two-way race, Trump’s lead is an average of 3 points. In the 5 way race it’s nearly 5. In the 2020 race on July 11th of 2020, Biden was leading Trump by 9 points and Clinton was leading him by 4.7 points.

The third major dynamic sinking Biden is the down ticket panic that’s getting worse by the day. Democrats openly voiced their fears about the down ticket consequences of Biden’s implosion. There’s now an internal memo reportedly making its rounds among congressional Democrats that they stand to lose upwards of 20 seats. So obviously the panic is setting in there.

Fourth, we are seeing a civil war break out between donors and delegates. Democrat donors are fleeing the sinking ship. There have been countless reports that Biden’s fundraising has dried up since the debate. No one’s giving him money anymore. The mega donors are fleeing the ship! But yet, as Biden’s donors are fleeing the ship, his delegates are coalescing around him. What’s happening right now is that ballots are being sent to all of Biden’s delegates. Those ballots should be returned in the next few weeks. According to the DNC’s own rules, those delegates are legally bound to Biden.

What we are seeing here is that this thing is going to come down to a face-off between donors and delegates. Biden looks like he’s going to get the delegates he needs to get the nomination but NOT the donors he needs to win the election. The pressure here is that this is adversely affecting the Democrats who are down ticket because there are a number of mega donors who are withholding their money from the Democrats as a whole until Biden drops out. They don’t want to be a part of this sinking ship, and they realize that if he goes down, the whole party is most likely going to go down with him!

Copyright, 2024.

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