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Red States Are Standing WITH TEXAS!!!

We are seeing a massive red state mutiny against the lawless Biden administration and our clueless ruling elite in DC. We are going to see the latest on...

Biden’s 24-Hour Deadline Has Passed, Texas Remains Defiant Of Federal Government

Civil war. Southern Rebellion. States' rights. These are all things being talked about all over social media within the last few days amid Texas...

Explosive Recording Exposes GOP Official Attempting to Bribe Kari Lake!

Kari Lake is exposing just how swampy and vile the RINO class of the Republican Party truly is. - Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake released a...

Trump CRUSHES in New Hampshire as Another Dem Seat FLIPS RED!

President Trump has secured the Republican nomination and is poised to crush Biden in November. Another blue seat has also flipped red. - Trump secured...

Trucker Convoy Joins Texas in DEFIANCE of Supreme Court!

Texas remains defiant against the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the southern border, and it looks like they’re about to get some help from America's freedom...

Leftist Sites Warn AGAINST ‘Critical Thinking’ and ‘Researching’

End Wokeness shared a photo exposing leftist websites arguing that we should avoid critical thinking. https://twitter.com/DrTurleyTalks/status/1748053155881816076?s=20 Forbes published a piece entitled, “Why 'Doing Your Own Research'...

Texas NOT BACKING DOWN on the Border!

Our nation’s Supreme Court has just ruled that the Biden administration has the right to disregard immigration law. This decision comes amid constant chaos...

Black Thugs STOMP On Chest & MURDER White Teen, Only Facing TWO YEARS!

Last year, the U.S. Marshals Service arrested three men accused of fatally beating 17-year-old high school student Ethan Liming to death outside the school founded...

Sports Illustrated CRUMBLES as UFC Destroys Wokeness!

Sports Illustrated has increasingly embraced wokeness and all of its absurdities of late, while another sports icon, the UFC, is going to war with everything woke. -...

Nikki Haley is Being REJECTED by New Hampshire!

Nearly everyone wants Nikki Haley to get out of the race! We’re going to see the latest on the New Hampshire primary and how tonight’s results...


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