Nikki Haley is Being REJECTED by New Hampshire!

Nearly everyone wants Nikki Haley to get out of the race! We’re going to see the latest on the New Hampshire primary and how tonight’s results may be the victory that catapults Trump to the nomination and the MAGA march toward taking back the White House.

– Trump is expected to decisively win the New Hampshire primary, with polls showing him breaking the 60% threshold.

– Catholic Vote, a significant Catholic advocacy group, has endorsed Trump, representing a large voting constituency in New Hampshire.

– Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang openly admits that Joe Biden cannot win in November, contributing to the narrative of Biden’s political weakness.

Trump appears poised to end this primary decisively as of tonight. The latest polling is showing Trump breaking the 60% threshold. We have two brand new polls out. The latest Suffolk poll shows that Trump has just hit the 60% threshold. Red Eagle is predicting for today that Trump can break the 60% mark tonight. We will see, but there is no question that Trump appears to be running away with this. This is being corroborated by the latest Trafalgar poll that has Trump just shy of the 60% threshold.

The trajectory in New Hampshire captured by Real Clear Politics shows this upward trajectory for Trump. It appears that Trump is running away with this. The only reason why Hillary Haley is still around is because she is in effect a Manchurian candidate. A Daily Caller report found that the majority of her supporters at a New Hampshire rally were not even remotely what could be considered faithful, core Republicans. They weren’t even really independent.

They were either Democrats or lapsed Republicans. Her whole campaign is astroturfed. She is relying on voters who, given the choice between her and Biden in November, most likely wouldn’t even vote for her. She is using and exploiting Democrats who want to try to embarrass Trump in the primaries. In the end, they most likely would not vote for her in the general. That is the inherent contradiction behind her artificial and fraudulent support.

Things are getting worse for Hillary Haley. One of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy groups, Catholic Vote, has just officially endorsed President Trump, calling on Catholic voters throughout New Hampshire to cast their vote for him. It’s a huge endorsement. Catholic Vote represents upwards of 140,000 voters in New Hampshire alone, and they are sending out notices to every single one of them to go out and vote for Trump. It looks like that endorsement represents a very large voting constituency that should be the final nail in Hillary Haley’s electoral coffin.

It’s not just Hillary Haley that’s imploding. That announcement from Catholic Vote is coming on the heels of a bombshell inside the Democrat Party. Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is openly admitting that Joe Biden cannot win in November. Biden is simply the weakest candidate imaginable for the Democrats. Biden is going to get slaughtered in November, and that is why he is backing Phillips who I couldn’t imagine fairing even remotely any better.

According to the latest Morning Consult daily tracking poll, Trump is posting his biggest lead yet over Biden. Trump is leading Biden by 5, 45 to 40. It is Trump’s largest lead he has ever had in three election cycles according to Morning Consult’s polling. It gets even worse. In the latest YouGov poll, Trump leads Biden by seven, 50 to 43. According to the Real Clear Politics aggregate polling, Trump is leading Biden in virtually every single national poll and every single swing state.

He is crushing Biden at the macro level and the micro level, both nationally and state-to-state. According to the latest Siena College polling, Trump is winning Latino voters in the bluest state of New York. 42% of New York Latinos are all in on voting for Trump, while only 39% said they were voting for Biden. This is one of the reasons why Biden’s lead in New York has gone from nearly 25 points in 2020 to now just single digits. This is one of the reasons why we’re hearing rumors of Lee Zeldin, the former New York governor candidate, who is crushing it in New York in revitalizing the Republican party there, being Trump’s pick for VP.

They think they might be able to steal New York from the Democrats in 2024 given this political paradigm shift among Latinos! This is why every single major South Carolina politician is endorsing Trump over their fellow South Carolinian Hillary Haley. They are reading the writing on the wall, they are seeing the data, and their aids are analyzing polls all using different methodologies, samples, sizes, and weighting systems, but they are all coming to the same conclusion: Biden is politically collapsing as Trump is politically soaring. Trump 2024 represents a major political paradigm shift that may redefine the political map like we have not seen in quite some time.

Copyright, 2024.

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