Biden’s ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference Was a DISASTER!

Biden’s dismal press conference on Thursday night has led to many people calling for him to step down. He just committed perhaps the two worst gaffes of his entire presidency, and Democrats are more determined than ever to remove Biden from the ticket.

– Biden started the unscripted conference by reading from a teleprompter and referring to a pre-approved list of reporters, which resulted in easy, choreographed questions aimed at making him appear competent.

– Biden mistakenly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “Trump” during his first question and introduced Ukrainian President Zelensky as “Putin” earlier that day.

– At one point, Biden ironically stated that if he slowed down, it would indicate he shouldn’t be doing the job, immediately followed by asking for help to read his list.

What was billed as a ‘big boy’ conference, which was supposed to be a completely unscripted conference, began with Biden using a teleprompter for his opening remarks. Biden spoke from a script for his unscripted press conference and then said that he had a list of who he could call on:

When have we ever seen a press conference like this where the president begins with a teleprompter for his opening remarks and then calls on members of the press from a previously approved list of names? What followed were easy questions from a corrupt establishment press clearly choreographed to try to make Biden look cogent and competent. Biden obviously knew the questions ahead of time, and despite all of that, Biden answered his very first question by referring to Kamala as Trump.

Biden had a MAJOR gaffe, referring to his vice-president as vice-president Trump. That gaffe came on the heels of an evil more consequential gaffe earlier in the day when Biden was introducing Ukrainian president Zelensky to the podium:

The last gaffe you would ever want to make would be introducing someone as his mortal enemy in a time of war! Here’s how Red Eagle Politics put it: “Biden called Zelensky ‘Putin’ and Kamala ‘Trump’ a couple hours apart. Arguably two of the worst gaffes of his Presidency, both at a time when he’s trying to prove he’s still ‘with it’ Glorious.”

And it was glorious! Biden constantly says ‘anyway’ when he embarrasses himself and loses his train of thought. This occurrence was littered all over this bizarre press conference:

The press conference had what are now becoming routine Biden cognitive malfunctions, like this:

There was even a moment of extraordinary irony:

“If I slow down, I can’t get the job done, that’s a sign that I shouldn’t be doing it. But there’s no indication of that yet! None! Uh… uh… ok somebody help me read this list!”

There were at least some reporters among the pre-approved list that asked some pressing questions about Biden’s fledgling campaign:

In the most fitting end to this train wreck, Biden was asked about President Trump’s response to his confusing him with Kamala Harris:

Biden answered, saying, ‘Listen to him.’ What does that even mean? Then Biden just shuffled off the stage, he surprisingly didn’t get lost on the stage as he normally does!

The headline in this morning’s New York Post says, ‘Blunder of the World’ with the bi-line ‘Bumbling Biden gaffes his way through make-or-break Q&A – any Dem convinced?’ And of course, that is the fundamental question of this campaign. How many Democrats are going to stick with Joe after these utterly disastrous two weeks?

Copyright, 2024.

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