Airplanes Malfunctioning: DEI Crisis!

Last Friday a door on a Boeing 737 Max 9 plane fell off shortly after takeoff. Passengers interviewed said they thought they were going to die as the oxygen masks dropped down and the plane had to make an emergency landing. Reports also show that bolts were known to have been loose in these planes according to United. Additionally, According to reports, the maker of many airplane parts has been recently sued for poor manufacturing. Spirit AeroSystems makes parts for many planes, but their representatives have allegedly concealed information regarding the safety and efficacy of their products from investors.

Many people have observed that there have been other recent instances of airplanes not being safely operated or properly functioning. On Thursday, January 10th, a United flight from Sarasota to Chicago needed to make an emergency landing in Tampa after a door indicator turned on. Airplane malfunctions are seemingly more common, and many people are speculating that this is a direct result of airlines hiring people to meet diversity standards and therefore compromising safety and skill.

Pilots have also weighed in on this issue, affirming that the airline industry has been deteriorating in recent years and that many of the DEI hires are not properly trained.

Libs of TikTok also uncovered videos of the gay designs that Alaska Airlines has put on their planes and weird LBGT events they hosted. They have also allegedly claimed that they want to include more drag queen flight attendants.

Elon Musk stated, “The airline industry can’t find enough qualified pilots even without insane DEI requirements!” He has also claimed that “Merit should be the only reason for hiring, especially for jobs where your family’s lives are at stake.” This is well stated and summarizes the main concerns that conservatives have regarding DEI initiatives and quotas. Hiring for all jobs, especially high-stakes jobs with people’s lives at risk should be focused only on quality of work and skills rather than demographics. Lowering the competence standard is never acceptable, and as many people pointed out regarding Claudine Gay’s plagiarism, hiring women or people of color who are not qualified for their jobs is racist and sexist because it insinuates that individuals of these demographics are incapable of qualifying for jobs based on merit.

With DEI more unpopular than ever and actual lives and physical safety on the line, many people are looking into the reason that these plane disasters are happening. Hopefully, as executives study these mistakes, rigorous training, experience, and higher standards will be enforced in airplane manufacturing and operations.

Erin Weeks is a Staff Writer at Turley Talks.

Copyright, 2024.

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