Woke Media Worried Trump Will ROUND THEM UP!

The woke legacy media is openly panicking as they read the polls and see the Trump surge and the political retribution that awaits!

– The Washington Post warns of Trump’s potential second term, anticipating retribution against political enemies and acknowledging the increasing likelihood of his victory.

– Trump’s second term plans includes sweeping immigration policies, border closure, massive deportations, reinstating the ‘Muslim ban,’ and ending birthright citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants.

– Reports indicate Trump’s goals of defunding the Justice Department and many other key issues causing significant concern in the legacy media.

The Washington Post published a piece over the weekend that was little more than public panic. The ultra-woke leftists disguised as journalists at the Post are recognizing two things. Trump’s second term would unleash hell on the DC establishment, it would involve a merciless retribution against his political enemies. It also looks more likely that he is going to win.

The latest bombshell that was dropped by Stack Data conducted a very detailed survey of battleground state counties, interviewing over 15,000 voters. They found that if the election were held today, Trump would easily win upwards of about 300 electoral votes. This is the fifth poll in two weeks that shows Trump handily beating Biden. With this Washington Post piece warning that not only does a Trump second term look more likely, but that this term is promising to wreak revenge on his political enemies, MSNBC leftists like Jen Psaki are failing to cope with what is increasingly appearing to be inevitable:

It is already being leaked that Trump’s second term would be epic. It is being reported that he is planning sweeping and aggressive immigration policies, shutting down the border to stop the influx of illegal aliens coming into the United States, and a massive, unprecedented deportation program for millions of illegal immigrants who crossed the border. He would reimplement the ‘Muslim ban,’ which banned travel from about seven mostly Arabic nations.

There is also talk of terminating birthright citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants. He is seeking to reverse the insanity that we have been seeing over the last three years. The legacy media is already freaking out over Trump implementing an executive order known as ‘Schedule F.’ This is an executive order that President Trump signed in October of 2020. It was one of his last executive orders and it got a lot of press when it was originally signed but got lost in all the chaos in the aftermath of November 3rd.

Schedule F reassigns federal bureaucrats in DC as Schedule F employees, which in effect strips away all of their employment protection, thereby enabling the president to fire tens of thousands of Deep State bureaucrats. A second-term Trump is the Deep State’s worst nightmare because he would likely fire tens of thousands of these workers. By some estimates, he might fire upwards of 60,000 bureaucrats. Nothing is scaring the legacy media more than reports of Trump’s plans of merciless retribution against his political enemies.

Among Trump’s goals are defunding the Justice Department and dismantling the FBI, breaking up Homeland Security, and doing away with Education and Commerce. There are reports that he plans on taking complete control of agencies like the Federal Communications Commission, which sets the rules for television and internet. He is going to employ the people who are ready to do it like General Mike Flynn. This explains why they are indicting him. The indictments are merely indicators of just how freaked out they are that a Trump second term is inevitable!

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