Trump’s EPIC Rally in the Bronx Had UNPRECEDENTED Turnout!

Donald Trump is changing the political landscape like never before. We are going to see the new political coalition that’s rising that may be the most powerful coalition we’ve seen in 40 years.

– Trump’s rally in Crotona Park, South Bronx, marked a significant political moment.

– An estimated 30,000 people attended, highlighting a diverse working-class coalition.

– The rally featured rappers filming a video, indicating diverse support.

Working-class men and women of all colors, ethnicities, and different backgrounds have been politically engaged andthose who have not, are awakening. These working-class Americans are joining together as part of a growing surging movement from the ground up. It is uniting the nation in a way that we haven’t seen in over 30 years!

What happened yesterday was just a few short months ago unthinkable. What we saw yesterday was the unification of rural America with urban America. The white exurban voter became one with the non-white city voter. We saw yesterday the makings of a new political coalition that could represent the biggest, most powerful coalition we have seen since the Reagan coalition that won three landslide election blowouts in a row.

This new political coalition is not rooted in a mutual enemy, but rather in a mutual aspiration. The new MAGA coalition of rural and city voters is rooted in a mutual love of America. What we saw in the Bronx was the beginning of a mass political coalition that promises to truly and finally Make America Great Again!

The line to get into Crotona Park in the South Bronx was massive. Reports were that the average time of standing in line was at least an hour to get in. People lined up for what seemed like miles for a rally that was organized for just about 3,500 to show up. Estimates suggest that upwards of 30,000 people came out in one of the bluest districts in the entire nation!

We saw rappers filming a rap video at the rally. Nobody could imagine anything even remotely like this at a Biden event. When Trump took to the stage, he tore into what Biden and the Democrats have done to New York and the nation:

Trump’s speech in the Bronx was a Message of hope and unity. It was a solutions-oriented speech that connected national decay to local issues and provided an action plan on how we were going to reverse the decay. The speech provided plenty of anecdotes of projects that Trump worked on in building New York City. Both America’s and NYC’s downfall and their restoration were deeply personal for Trump and he drove that home. It was a message of unity across the political divide, races, and ethnicities. He made that point explicitly.

Trump discussed illegal immigration as well. He described it as taking our country away from us. Whenever Trump said that in rural rallies in predominantly white America, CNN accused him of racism. Now he has said this in the heart of the Bronx, and the people started chanting: ‘Build the wall! Build the wall!’ Trump’s policies are here to protect the people of America, and more demographics are beginning to notice this. The legacy media simply cannot understand that Trump is all about uniting the nation, whereas the Democrats and their versions of discrimination and disenfranchisement are all about dividing us.

Copyright, 2024.

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