Trump CRUSHING Biden in NATIONWIDE Polling!

Stephen A. Smith has argued that President Trump is unstoppable as more polls are coming out showing that Trump is running away with this election as Biden’s numbers continue to completely implode.

– Recent Harvard/Harris polls indicate that Trump is leading Biden by significant margins, including a 6-point lead head-to-head and a 7-point lead with RFK Jr. in the race. With all declared candidates, Trump’s lead extends to 8 points.

– Trump is also leading Biden by 12 points among independents.

– Concerns about Biden’s cognitive decline are growing, with Democrat strategist James Carville highlighting the issue, which may further challenge Biden’s ability to campaign effectively against Trump.

More polls continue to come out showing the same thing: Bumblin’ Biden is getting crushed! The numbers coming from the latest Harvard/Harris poll show that head to head, Trump is beating Biden by 6 and he wins the popular vote. With RFK Jr. in the race, he beats him by 7. With all five declared candidates in the race, Trump is up by 8.

According to Harvard/Harris, Trump is posting a double-digit lead among independents. He’s leading Biden 56 to 44, a 12-point lead among independents. A full 70% of those surveyed claim to have made up their minds. That is reflective of the uniqueness of this race. Both candidates are incumbents as both of these candidates have presidential records. Everyone has an opinion on them, and the vast majority of the country appears to be on the side of Trump when asked who they think was the better president.

We are seeing that when it comes to the swing state polls, Trump is leading in every single one of the swing state poll averages. All the polls that have been conducted over the last several months show Trump leading in every single one of them. Trump and Biden are tied in New Hampshire, which is a state that Biden won by 8 points in 2020. According to the Epoch Times, those who were always supportive of Trump but who were hesitant to admit that to pollsters are becoming more vocal.

Pollsters are noticing that not only is Trump rising in the polls, but his support appears to be more enthusiastic and entrenched, so it’s suggestive that those who always supported him but were hesitant to voice that support are now getting increasingly emboldened. Biden’s approval ratings are also falling according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll. Biden’s approval rating in May has fallen to its lowest level in two years!

The last thing he wants going into an election season as incumbent is for his approval rating to hit a two-year low. Historically, presidents need to be around the 50% approval mark to win reelection. Obama did it with 45%. Biden is currently in the mid-30s. He is polling at 36% approval. Outside of the most outlandish election shenanigans in November, this is shaping up to be a total wipeout. To make matters even worse, there is the issue of Biden’s cognitive decline. Here’s Democrat strategist James Carville sounding the alarm on the ongoing problem of Biden’s age:

Joe Biden is going to have a very hard time convincing anyone that Trump is somehow more mentally declined than he is. This is no time to get complacent. Even though Trump is posting these kinds of numbers, this is going to be the hardest-fought election ever for patriots. We need to get out there and vote and volunteer to ensure these results happen!

Copyright, 2024.

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