Trump CRUSHES Fundraising Records

President Trump just smashed every single fundraising record in the books over the weekend. We are going to see the latest developments in what’s shaping up to be the most successful presidential campaign ever!

– President Trump raised a record-breaking $50.5 million at a fundraiser.

– Biden’s previous fundraising record was doubled by Trump’s weekend campaign.

– Nevada’s Democratic voter registration lead has collapsed as Trump’s support among Latino voters is growing in key battleground states like Arizona and Nevada.

President Trump took a much deserved victory lap after holding a record-smashing fundraiser over the weekend at the home of hedge fund billionaire John Paulson. Trump raised an astonishing $50.5 million, doubling what Biden had raised the week prior in a star-studded event that was much touted and celebrated by the lying legacy media. Last week, when Biden raised that $25 million, the clowns in the legacy media were doing cartwheels. This was the most money raised from a single even in political history

This weekend, Trump doubled that total. Trump, without the aid of a bunch of Hollywood aristocrats and former presidents to draw a crowd, doubled what had previously been the most money ever raised from a single event in political history. In addition to that, the Democrat lead in Nevada has collapsed. In 2020, Democrat voter registration led by nearly 5% in 2020.

Today, that lead has collapsed to just 1.67%. The Democrats lead by just 30,000 voters. We already saw it with the election of Joe Lombardo for governor in 2022. The state has been gradually turning more and more red, as has neighboring Arizona. A lot of this is trending towards the Republicans and most especially Trump in both Arizona and Nevada because of the Latino vote. Latinos are moving overwhelmingly towards the Republicans as they begin to align their voting with their conservative values.

Copyright, 2024.

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