The Right is SWEEPING Elections GLOBALLY!

We saw electoral victories in the states over the weekend, but the political right has also been sweeping elections throughout the world over the last few days!

– New Zealand’s center-right National Party secured a landslide electoral victory, electing a solid Christian conservative, Christopher Luxon, as the new prime minister.

– In Australia, voters rejected an “indigenous voice” referendum seeking constitutional changes, with a majority in all six states voting against it.

– Overall, there is a global trend of right-leaning shifts in recent elections and referendums.

In New Zealand, voters delivered a brutal repudiation of their woke left Liberal party that governed their nation for the past six years. The center-right National Party crushed their liberal counterparts over the weekend in a stunning electoral landslide. The voters in New Zealand have elected a solid Christian conservative, Christopher Luxon, as their new prime minister. As such, they overwhelmingly repudiated the leftist nightmare that took over the nation for so long.

This electoral implosion was telegraphed several months back with the sudden resignation of New Zealand’s far-left Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Ardern shocked the world by suddenly announcing her resignation as prime minister, which represented an astonishing fall for this rapidly rising international superstar. We have to remember that Ardern was a beacon of hope among those on the left who had been destabilized by the election of Donald Trump and the passage of the Brexit referendum.

The effect of Brexit and Trump was an existential crisis for the left. Leftist politicians like Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand were the answer to this existential crisis; they were going to deliberately create the political and economic conditions that would never allow something like Trump or Brexit to happen again. Despite all of the fanfare that Ardern received from the fawning international media, she collapsed. She fell victim to the same degenerating conditions that Biden is falling victim to. Inflation, a stuttering economy, and rising crime, as well as her gutting the agricultural industry, which is the crown jewel of New Zealand’s economy. All that pulled the mask off of this absurd notion that her politics were anything worthy of maintaining or emulating.

Politically she fell apart, and even the leftist Guardian is asking: who’s next? She was the first international leader to fall after the disastrous effects of her draconian COVID policies became apparent. Many pundits recognized that she would not be the last. As of this weekend, her party has collapsed. The liberals are officially gone from power in New Zealand as the nation turned overwhelmingly right.

In Australia, voters overwhelmingly rejected what many believed to be a blatantly anti-white referendum that sought to alter their constitution to what they called an ‘indigenous voice’ to their national constitution. What such a voice entails has remained vague over the last several months, but the gist appears to have been a full recognition of indigenous peoples in their constitution along with an advisory body composed of indigenous peoples to advise the federal government on issues that affect them. But the ‘no’ campaign largely saw the effort as an attempt to wokify the Australian constitution, and they were very successful.

It was a decisive turnout, with a clear majority in all six of Australia’s states voting against the resolution. The way Australia’s system works, four of their six states would need to have voted for the resolution along with a national majority. That didn’t come close to happening at any level. Australians were not interested in anything exemplifying what scholars call ‘emancipatory politics’ or what’s more commonly referred to as cultural Marxism enshrined in their constitution.

It looks like the Greens are finally collapsing in Europe. We had two elections the week before last weekend where voters overwhelmingly turned against their Green Parties. In Germany, the ‘far-right’ Alternative for Deutschland won a huge election and crushed their far-left Green Party in the regions of Hesse and Bavaria. They came in second and third respectively, and the reason these elections were so important is that the AfD has finally made inroads with the wealthier states in Germany. They are huge in Eastern Germany. Eastern Europeans are far more nationalist and populist than their Western counterparts. The AfD is gaining ground in Western Germany such that they have become mainstream.

The two elections were a huge blow to woke Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s left-wing-led national coalition, which has been trying to starve Germany with a radical green agenda. Voters want nothing more to do with that. On the same day, in Luxembourg, their Green coalition took a shellacking in their national elections. Luxembourg’s center-right Christian Social People’s Party won in a blowout election there, and are now in talks to form a governing coalition that once again completely repudiates their woke leftist green government.

The one ambiguous holdout here from this pattern is Poland where their rightwing Law and Justice Party won the most votes. They won with nearly 40% of the vote, but they’ve fallen short of a majority, and it looks like the pro-EU, pro-green leftist parties are going to be able to form a governing coalition. That is a huge disappointment coming out of Poland, but this may only be temporary. We’ll see if the Coalition Party can get a clear majority back in a couple of years. Except for the disappointing results in Poland, we have seen a massive swing to the right all over the world in these last two weeks!

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