The Cases Against Trump Are IMPLODING!

Fani Willis is a corrupt DA who had an affair with a prosecutor. They both allegedly profited off of the indictments against Trump. It’s the latest in the overall collapse of the cases against number 45, soon to be number 47. We are going to see why the lawfare liberals hoped would save themselves is imploding right before their panicked eyes!

– Pundits suggest that lawfare efforts against Trump by the ruling establishment are backfiring due to the desperation and collapse of the cases.

– Despite collapsing cases, the damage from the weaponized legalism serves as a force multiplier, boosting Trump’s poll numbers and discrediting the Democrats.

– Democrats weaponized legalism seems to be leading nowhere, as Trump’s rising poll numbers portray these efforts as acts of political desperation.

More pundits are concluding that the lawfare efforts against Trump carried out by our corrupt ruling establishment are backfiring because of how desperate these fledgling cases against Trump all appear to be. As Victor Davis Hanson has just written about, none of these indictments would have ever come had Trump decided not to run for president again. These indictments are deliberately intended to keep him out of the race. All of the trial dates have been deliberately synchronized to ensure that the front-running Trump, who is beating both his fellow Republicans and Biden in every poll out there.

All the trial dates are being synchronized to keep Trump tied up in courtrooms and out of the 2024 campaign trail. They are deliberately putting him on trial to keep him off the trail. But one by one, all of these cases appear to be collapsing. As Victor Davis Hanson argues, as each desperate attempt at lawfare ends up failing, that does not return things to zero. It’s not like we just go back to the way things were before the weaponized legalism. All of these corrupt efforts to take Trump out serve as force multipliers for each other. The more they try to persecute Trump, the more his poll numbers go up.

The more they discredit themselves, the more voters see the Democrats as the true insurrectionists who are threatening the integrity of our Democratic Republic. Fani Willis is trying to hide behind the veneer of religiosity to shield her from the allegations that have turned her case into shambles. She is being accused of allegedly having an ongoing affair with one of her subordinates, Fulton County Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade. She then appointed Wade as prosecutor in Trump’s case even though he has never tried a felony case in his entire career. He was previously a “personal injury/accident” lawyer!

So she is allegedly having this affair with the prosecutor that she picked to lead the case against Trump and she allegedly paid him an inordinate amount of money. With that funding, they went on extravagant vacations and getaways like on Royal Caribbean cruises. Fani Willis and her alleged lover are being accused of personally profiting off of this sham prosecution against Trump. That is the key allegation in all of this. So her case is in absolute shambles!

What about Jack Smith? In the case of the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, he is trying to convict Trump of a crime that he constitutionally cannot possibly commit. Trump, as president, alone has ultimate decision-making authority as to what documents are classified. not the vice president, like Joe Biden’s boxes of classified documents in his garage, or the secretary of state like Hillary Clinton. Only the president has that ultimate authority, and thus he is being accused of a crime that he legally cannot commit. The J6 case is as flimsy of a case that you can get, especially given how Trump called for peace and to cooperate with authorities.

But to make matters even worse, Smith filed a desperate appeal to the Supreme Court a few weeks ago where he bypassed all lower appellate courts, and instead went starting to the Supreme Court imploring the Supremes to make a special, expedited ruling on whether President Trump can claim immunity from criminal charges for actions taken as president. They are not ruling on Trump’s immunity claim anytime soon, and as long as that ruling is in the hands of the Supreme Court, his cases against Trump are all effectively stalled.

There is also the absurd case against Trump in New York, led by their corrupt Attorney General Letitia James that is all based on the ridiculous notion that Mar-a-Lago is only valued at about 18 million dollars. Here is Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank completely dismantling this sham case on CNN:

It doesn’t make any sense. Trump supposedly misled banks and insurance companies, all of whom got paid back every penny, this whole sham case is absurd. It makes no sense. And Alvin Bragg, the corrupt Manhattan DA, is trying to charge Trump with NDA agreements he made with Stormy Daniels over a decade ago. Bragg is making the tortured argument that these NDAs constitute campaign finance violations, which is a federal crime, not a state crime. He doesn’t even have jurisdiction over the issue. So all in all, the Democrats’ weaponized legalism appears to be leading nowhere, and as Trump’s poll numbers continue to rise, all these efforts will appear to more voters as pathetic acts of political desperation!

Copyright, 2024.

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