Texas NOT BACKING DOWN on the Border!

Our nation’s Supreme Court has just ruled that the Biden administration has the right to disregard immigration law. This decision comes amid constant chaos and deliberate disruption of border security by the Biden administration. We are going to see what’s going on with the Court’s decision to allow the feds to open up our southern border.

– In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court allowed the Biden administration to remove razor-wire barriers at the southern border, leading to criticism from Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

– Governor Abbott invoked Article 1, Section 10, asserting Texas’ right to declare war if invaded.

– The border security issue is transcending partisan lines, with Democrat mayors and governors expressing concerns and taking actions to secure their borders.

It was a confusing decision. In a 5 to 4 ruling, with the usual defections of Roberts and Barrett to the dark side, the lunatic liberal court ruled that the Biden administration did have the right to remove razor wire that served as a barrier to the slew of illegal migrants crossing our southern border. It was a rather stunning ruling precisely because the decision, in effect, is preventing Texas from enforcing the law while enabling the Biden administration to break the law.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott formally invoked Article 1, Section 10, which gives the right to every state to declare actual war if they are invaded or in imminent danger. You may not know this but individual states historically can declare war, it’s not a power solely for the federal government. James Madison explicitly stated that Article 1, Section 10 can be invoked against smugglers. Madison specifically cited Virginia using its militia to stop smugglers as an example of a valid exercise of the invasion powers. The principle is simply one of state sovereignty. If the sovereignty of a state is being violated, then that state has the right to declare war on an individual basis without congressional approval!

Greg Abbott is saying: We’re not defending the US border, we’re defending Texas’ border, which we have a constitutional duty to do. It’s not just a right, it’s a duty and an obligation. Barrett, Roberts, and the 3 leftists agreed that as long as the legal battles between Texas and the Biden administration are going through the appellate process, the feds do have the right to cut the razor wires. The Supreme Court’s decision is, in fairness, reflective of the fact that the case is still going through the appellate process. The Court ruled that until this conflict between Texas and the Biden White House gets resolved in courts, the feds have the right to tear down the razor wire. It’s not a final ruling for the Biden White House by any means, it is a temporary ruling that defaults to the Federal government’s jurisdiction over immigration and national border issues until the dispute between Texas and Washington is resolved in the appellate process.

That said, Texas officials are telling the Supreme Court to stick it. Greg Abbott is out there saying that the Supreme Court can hand down all the rulings it wants, they are not going to stop defending the territorial sovereignty of Texas. This is what is so key to Abbott’s argument. He doesn’t care about the nation’s border, he cares about Texas’ border. We wouldn’t be having an issue if the Biden administration would carry out its law enforcement responsibilities, but it is not. Texas officials are not about to listen to a ruling that sided with those who refuse to enforce the law. And it looks like Texas officials even have a majority of Democrats behind them in their fight. As it turns out, it’s not just die-hard MAGA types who are upset over this ruling.

Even Democrat mayors and governors are panicking over this. Mayor Eric Adams of New York and Brandon Johnson of Chicago did not want to hear that decision. They want the border closed. Even John Fetterman, the Democrat senator from Pennsylvania defended closing the border on CNN. He said there should not be anything even remotely controversial about a secure border. And he is not alone. Democrat Arizona governor Katie Hobbs recently signed an executive order deploying National Guard troops stationed in Arizona to its southern border.

In doing so, Hobbs is mirroring what Governor Greg Abbott is doing in Texas. What we are seeing here is nothing less than the emergence of border security as a pre-political or transpolitical issue. Border security is an issue that appears to be transcending partisan politics. Even Democrats are now starting to embrace it. They appear to be embracing it because they’re seeing the writing on the wall and they are seeing their constituents demanding border security, like what we’re seeing in New York and Chicago.

If the MAGA movement has become pre-political, that means it doesn’t matter who wins elections. No matter what, border security will be the default position of both parties. There is no more decisive victory for a political issue than when it becomes pre-political. When an issue is agreed upon, firmly, by both parties, that issue has become a prerequisite for either party to win among their voters.

Voters in both parties see what they had under Trump (a secure border) and now they’re seeing the chaos under Biden. Even Democrats want Trump back. The polls coming out of New York show Biden’s lead dwindling to single digits. All of this is to say that Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have the wind at their backs. They have the supermajority of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents behind them in their ongoing efforts to tell the Supreme Court and the clowns in the Biden administration to stick it!

Copyright, 2024. TurleyTalks.com

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