Supermarket Offers Financial Reward for Taking Vaccines?!

Despite what our government tries to advocate for, nothing is free. Even if receiving something costs no money, there is always a “hidden cost” or reason it is being given away. Gifts are given out of generosity, love, and friendship. Tithes and charity donations are given out of personal moral responsibility to allocate resources to a specific cause. Sometimes things are given at no cost, but there are hidden strings attached, which are usually not viewed favorably. So why are we seeing so many free vaccines?

Vaccines are supposedly carefully created with ample research, testing, and expert input. According to a 2015 report, the flu shot costs 4 billion dollars to produce annually. Additionally, the government has spent over 30 billion dollars on the manufacturing of the COVID vaccines. The Biden White House has consistently pushed for federal funding of the vaccines, which has led many to wonder why the vaccine is being practically pushed on the public by the White House.

The COVID vaccines have been mindlessly funded despite endless evidence of the ineffectiveness and side effects of every dose. However, we are also seeing Supermarket Jewel Osco currently has displays and banners outside of their store advertising a 10% shopping discount for receiving COVID or flu shots in their pharmacy. These tactics have been used by stores like Target and Walgreens in the past to motivate consumers to get the COVID vaccine. CVS has a shopping coupon available as well for customers after they receive their ‘free COVID vaccine.’

So these many incentives lead many to wonder what the real reason is that these shots are being so intensely pushed onto the public. They are not only free to the American public, WE would get financial compensation for taking these shots. Many have argued that these vaccinations should be free because they provide life-saving treatment and they prevent disease and death. However, most actually effective treatments and life-saving medications are not free.

The cost of American healthcare is extremely high. This has caused many people to avoid going to doctors or seeking treatment unless they are in an emergency situation. Half of Americans worry about the cost of healthcare. 44% of insured Americans avoid medical care and worry about the financial burden of their medical expenses. The cost of major surgery is so incredibly high in the States that medical tourism has become very common. Americans often go to other countries that have similarly safe and advanced treatments but with significantly lower costs like India. So if our healthcare is so expensive and unbearable in America that many citizens prefer to travel abroad for major surgeries, why is something supposedly extremely safe and carefully created being given away for free or with financial compensation?

There is still a lot of confusion surrounding the COVID vaccine, but it is less trusted each day. Reports consistently come out that they are ineffective and have common and severe side effects. The White House’s plans to implement more COVID policies have been revealed. Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre has been advocating for mask mandates in 93% of America. She also told us that Joe Biden would wear a mask in indoor spaces following Jill Biden testing positive for COVID. However, he was indoors at a ceremony where he presented an award to a soldier without a mask following this statement. Additionally, he is still going to India for the G-20 summit despite being exposed to COVID, which many leftists are questioning.

The left is crumbling under their division on this issue and the hypocrisy and lack of evidence supporting the draconian COVID policies they advocate for. Conservatives are prepared to stand against the vaccine and mask mandates. The rules formed are incoherent as even Biden jokes about not wearing a mask when he was told to. When conservatives react to looming mandates by standing together and refusing to wear masks or take more vaccines that corporations are desperately trying to pay us to take, this will all be able to decisively end.

Erin Weeks is a Staff Writer for Turley Talks.

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