Soros Backed DA Overwhelmingly VOTED OUT!

Another Soros-backed ultra-left DA has been voted out of office in a landslide! We have the latest on voters rising and taking back their cities away from lawless Democrats!

– In Portland, voters have ousted Soros-backed ultra-leftist DA Mike Schmidt, electing Nathan Vasquez as the new DA for Multnomah County.

– In June 2022, San Francisco voters overwhelmingly recalled Soros-funded DA Chesa Boudin, who promoted ‘restorative justice’ and alternatives to incarceration, due to rising concerns over crime.

– Despite these changes, it remains uncertain whether the Democrat successors of these recalled DAs will adopt more effective crime policies.

In the failing city of Portland, voters have risen to oust yet another Soros-backed ultra-leftist DA from office! Nathan Vasquez has defeated Soros-backed Mike Schmidt for the DA position in Multnomah County which contains Portland.

Schmidt is an ultra-leftist who refused to prosecute violent Antifa thugs, and he is the latest Soros-backed DA to get the ax. In June 2022, San Francisco Voters went to the polls and overwhelmingly voted in favor of recalling the ultra-woke San Francisco prosecutor Chesa Boudin, who was also bankrolled by Soros. Boudin implemented what he called ‘restorative justice’ which sought to end mass incarceration by finding alternatives to locking up criminals.

Voters even in woke San Francisco didn’t take too kindly to that effort, and ended up recalling him by a massive margin. Another Soros-backed DA is on the chopping block in California. Proponents of an effort to recall Alameda County’s radically woke District Attorney, Pamela Price, have been gathering signatures for months to place a recall election on the ballot. As of just a few weeks ago, they have gathered far more signatures than what was required.

It looks like we are finally seeing some blowback against these ultra-leftist DAs who are ultimately responsible for unleashing this epidemic of violent crime across our nation’s cities. What remains to be seen is if their Democrat successors are any better!

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