Republican Voter Surge: Shifting Dynamics in Key Battleground States

Voter registration statistics show that Republicans are booming in swing states, and Trump is poised to crush Biden in 2024!

– Republican voter registration advantage in Arizona has doubled since 2020, providing an opportunity to harness the increased advantage through early voting and ballot harvesting.

– Trump is performing exceptionally well with low-propensity voters, giving Republicans a clear advantage if they can engage these voters effectively.

– Trump’s position in Pennsylvania for the 2024 election appears stronger than in both 2020 and 2016.

Voter registration statistics show Republicans have gone from a +130,000 advantage over Democrats to a +243,000 advantage in Arizona. They have doubled their advantage over Democrats in a matter of four years. Biden ‘won’ Arizona by just 10,000 votes in 2020. We now have double the advantage we had back then, and that voter advantage needs to be harnessed through early mail-in voting and ballot harvesting. Arizona has very strict ballot harvesting laws that allow only designated, accredited officials to collect and drop off ballots. According to Scott Presler’s analysis, if Republicans utilized in-person early voting and mail-in voting in Arizona in the same way that they did in Florida, where we saw a red tsunami with Ron DeSantis and Republican supermajorities in their legislatures, then Kari Lake would almost certainly be governor today.

Republicans in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are going to have to launch an all-out effort at tapping into low-propensity voters, who don’t necessarily turn out to vote. The problem with that is that Trump is crushing it with low-propensity voters. Among voters who did not vote in either 2020 or 2022, Trump has a 22-point lead over Biden. Any strategy that figures out how to engage those voters virtually guarantees Trump’s victory in that state. It is absolutely crucial that the Republicans get their early voting strategy implemented because these low-propensity voters are overwhelmingly prone to vote for Trump.

Republicans are crushing it with voter registration in Pennsylvania too. Democrats had a million voter advantage in 2012. That advantage has basically been wiped away. Republicans have gained voter registration in every single one of PA’s 67 counties. They have cut the Democrat registration advantage from 2020 in half. In both 2016 and 2020, a lot of those Democrats voted for Trump. White working-class voters who’ve voted Democrat in every election since the 1980s defected and voted Trump, and they’re poised to do it again.

When the last 41 polls of Pennsylvania are averaged, Trump leads Biden by nearly a point. We have never seen this before. In 2020, Trump never led the polling aggregate in PA, Biden led by nearly 2 points. Even in 2016, when Trump won PA, he was down to Hillary as well by 2 points. We’ve never seen a situation where you can average out 41 polls in PA and find Trump in the lead. Trump is better positioned to win PA in 2024 than he was in either 2020 or 2016!

Copyright, 2024.

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