Red State Governors RISING Against Biden’s LAWLESSNESS

Things are heating up at the border! Republican governors all across the nation are rising up and banding together in the face of the federal government’s deliberate incompetence at the southern border!

– Fourteen Republican governors joined Greg Abbott at the border, demonstrating unity amid Biden’s weakness.

– These governors provided resources and troops to address the federal government’s inaction.

– Polls show that the people blame Biden for the border crisis, prompting red state governments to take action to protect their citizens.

14 Republican governors surrounded Greg Abbott this weekend at the border. This unity is happening as Biden looks increasingly weak. Regional political powers are now stepping into the gap to increase their political power to our benefit. They are representing OUR benefits and interests rather than those of the deep state and swamp uniparty. We are seeing GOP donors actively stepping into the role of securing power away from DC to do what the Biden administration is failing to do.

Abbott and these republican governors are doing the job that Biden is refusing to do at the border. All of these governors stood together and declared that they would assist Texas as needed to secure the border. This involves sending money and resources as Texas is taking on a huge tax burden on itself due to the federal government’s refusal to get involved in protecting our country. They are also promising troops on the ground. Tennessee, Missouri, and a few other states have already sent their state’s national guard to help the Texas national border.

We are seeing a disastrous border bill that wants to send more help to foreign countries. The bill also allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to cross the border each day anyway. They are allowing this open flow of illegal immigrants into our nation because the left is hemorrhaging voters. Biden’s support is disastrously low while Trump is surging more than ever. The left is fully panicking as they know the only way they will be able to gain more voters is by allowing them to invade our nation.

Polls show that the vast majority of voters blame Biden for the disastrous situation at our border. This has set the stage for red state governments to take over where Biden is failing, and protect our people themselves.

Copyright, 2024.

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