Peru Classifies Transgenders as MENTALLY ILL!

The president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, used to be a leftist. She was a faithful member of the left-leaning and socialist party Free Peru, but two years ago, she was expelled from the party and has since swung to the right. Her latest act as president has only served to confirm that political transformation.

– Peru’s recent decree, classifying transgender and non-binary individuals as mentally ill, has sparked outrage among LGBT rights groups.

– Internationally, restrictions on adoption by LGBT couples in Italy and bans on teaching gender theory in El Salvador indicate a pushback against trans activism.

– Despite opposition from human rights organizations, governments are increasingly adopting more traditionalist and pro-natal policies, signaling potential limits to the influence of the trans rights movement.

On Wednesday, president Boluarte signed a decree issued by Peru’s health ministry. The decree formally declares that all people who identify as “transgender” or “non-binary” will now be officially classified as “mentally ill.” Government policy from now on considers conditions such as transsexualism, dual-role transvestism, gender identity disorder in childhood, and other gender identity disorders as mental illnesses that will now be “guaranteed full coverage of medical attention for mental health.

Peru’s government is arguing that far from getting special rights, transgenders need treatment. This will make ‘psychological treatment’ freely available to those affected and, according to President Boluarte, the decree “categorically reaffirms respect for the dignity of the person and their free actions within the framework of human rights, providing health services for their benefit.” Such rhetoric is not assuaging the pro-trans organizations.

A fury has been sparked among LGBT rights groups. Human Rights Watch is calling on human rights groups from around the world to put pressure on Peru to recant such a decree, and boycotts against Peru are being organized as we speak. The problem with these efforts is that what is happening in Peru is part of a wider worldwide trend that suggests that trans activism and trans rights appear to have bumped up against their social and political limits.

In Hungary, their parliament passed a law officially ending the legal recognition of transgenderism in their nation. The upshot was that the law forced transgender people to affirm the gender as designated on their birth certificates, which makes it impossible for people to legally change their gender. The law has since served to institute a total ban on things like gender reassignment therapy and surgery altogether.

A few months back, the National Health Services of England announced their decision to ban puberty blocker treatment for children. Puberty blockers were being used as part of gender dysphoria treatment among children. According to the Mayo Clinic, trans rights activists believe that puberty blockers can help improve the mental well-being of children struggling with gender dysphoria, which involves a psychological tension between their bodies and their internal sense of gender. Officials at the NHS in England vociferously disagreed. They looked at the science rather than the activism and concluded that puberty blockers do far more harm than good.

Elon Musk weighed in on X, saying, “British officials actually looked at the data, and concluded that they needed to shut down puberty blockers for kids – they do far more harm than good. It’s really that simple.” This puberty blocker ban comes on the heels of another ban announced back in April 2020, UK officials announced that they were officially banning transgender sex-change surgeries for all minors. We have been seeing a similar line being drawn here in the United States, among more and more red states. Many states are also banning trans athletes from competing in women’s sports.

In June 2022, the swimming world’s international governing body known as FINA decisively ruled that post-pubescent biological males are now permanently banned without exception from competing in women’s swimming competitions. We are seeing comparable limits being set up throughout Europe. In Italy, Prime Minister Georgia Meloni has been putting restrictions on adoption with LGBT couples. Poland in their previous administration made similar moves. As we can see with the latest decree from Peru, these efforts at imposing limits on trans activism and normalization have spread to Latin America as well. Peru isn’t the first to pass a decree like this.

In El Salvador, the incredibly popular president Nayib Bukele has dissolved what was called the Ministry for Social Inclusion, which conducted training on gender identity and investigated LGBT issues nationwide. Bukele has also issued a complete ban against teaching gender theory in all Salvadoran public schools. All of this suggests that trans activism has begun bumping up against its political and social limits.

A lot of these limits are coming in the form of governments trying to revitalize their respective nation’s falling fertility rates. This is certainly the case in Hungary and Italy as more governments are recognizing that if they don’t institute pro-natal, pro-family policies, their respective nations are not going to exist in 50 years. Whether human rights organizations like it or not, these governments are increasingly recalibrating their policies around more traditionalist, pro-life, pro-natural family sentiments in the name of national survival. The trans movement had a nice run, but it does look like the games are indeed coming to an end!

Copyright, 2024.

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