Biden’s presidency is in peril! NBC is sounding the alarm over yet another polling disaster for Bumblin’ Biden. We are going to get into the numbers and see where Trump is crushing it, and we are going to see why things are even worse than the Biden cheerleaders over at NBC could have ever imagined.

– A recent NBC poll showed that Trump is leading over Biden, marking a significant shift from previous NBC polls that always favored Biden.

– Trump is crushing across key demographics such as Independents, working-class voters, and Hispanics.

– Biden faces challenges in maintaining approval, with Trump leading by 25 points on securing the southern border, which is a top concern for voters.


The latest poll dropped over the weekend from NBC. NBC has never had Trump in the lead over Biden. NBC polling has been one of the worst when it comes to Trump, showing Biden ahead by 14 points in October of 2020. Now Trump hasn’t just surpassed Biden, he is running away with it. Biden is getting completely crushed in almost every category in the crosstabs, including having the necessary mental and physical health to be president.

Trump is winning by nearly 20 points among white voters, he’s up 19 with Independents, he is winning Hispanics, and when it comes to the issues, Biden is getting stomped on every single major issue. Trump is beating Biden by an unassailable 22 points on the economy, and we can see why. Several economists and business leaders are arguing that in many ways, we are already in a recession. The growing inflation numbers in December show more stagflation. We are seeing higher prices for the staples of the economy such as food, heat, and mortgages as the periphery of the economy such as entertainment, restaurants, and the vacation industry begin to recede.

No incumbent has ever successfully won reelection whenever a recession occurred in the last two years of his presidency. We are seeing that curse play out in real-time. Biden is seeing polling numbers that make Bush Sr.’s numbers look magnanimous by comparison. Bush Sr.’s reelection bid was haunted by the 1992 recession, which Bill Clinton and his strategist James Carville exploited masterfully with the ‘It’s the economy stupid’ campaign. Bush Sr.’s job approval at this point in his reelection bid was nearly 5 points higher than Biden’s.

Trump is crushing Biden on securing the southern border by an astronomical 25 points. The latest Harvard/Harris poll ranks illegal immigration as the number one issue of concern among voters. Even Dr. Phil was at the border recently:

So what does all of this mean? What it means is that Trump has a 20-point lead on the two top issues for voters going into 2024. Biden is seeing mass defections among his voters. Biden’s 2020 voters are leaving him in droves, and the key demographic that he has lost is Latinos. Back in 2020, Biden won Latinos by 30 points. Now he is losing the Latino vote to Trump. The NBC poll has him down one to Trump, but the latest USA/Suffolk poll has Trump leading among Hispanics by an astounding 5 points.

The non-white working class, both black and Latino, is abandoning Biden. He won the non-white working class vote by nearly 50 points in 2020. Today, that lead has been cut down to just 16 points. Obama won the non-white working class vote by nearly 70 points, and now that margin has dwindled to just 16 points for Biden. What we are seeing with these polls is that Trump has solidified his GOP base, he has won over Independents by a nearly 20% margin, and now he is effectively tapping into Biden’s base, particularly with Latino and non-white working-class voters. Biden is politically hemorrhaging voters at this point, and given the historical trends, he is only going to further go down in terms of approval. Now you can see why the legacy media is panicking. It is a five-alarm fire for the Biden White House!

Copyright, 2024. TurleyTalks.com

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