Klaus Schwab RESIGNS from World Economic Forum!

Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum, is gone! He has officially resigned from the WEF.

– Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has stepped down as executive chairman, marking the end of his long tenure since establishing the organization in the early 1970s.

– The resignation follows a trend among prominent globalists, including George Soros, who recently stepped down from his Open Society Foundations, leading to significant layoffs and a reduction in European operations.

– The globalist vision of the WEF, which aims to influence consumer choices and implement an international social credit system, is increasingly being challenged by populist movements and governments worldwide.

It’s being widely reported that Klaus Schwab, an otherwise obscure mechanical engineer who founded one of the most sinister and influential world government organizations on the planet, the WEF, has officially stepped down as executive chairman of the organization. It was a stunning announcement as Schwab has been the head of the WEF ever since he founded it back in the early 1970s. The global news platform Semafor originally broke the story on Schwab, who is now 86 years old stepping down as executive chairman after they obtained an email he sent out to staff earlier this morning.

Schwab has yet to name his successor, but he did say that the WEF’s executive board is now being led by a fellow by the name of Borge Brende who is the current president of the WEF. It’s being widely reported that Schwab, like Soros, has a number of his family members embedded in leadership positions throughout the organization, so we’re certainly not going to see any drastic change of direction from the WEF. However, Schwab stepping down certainly is an end to an era.

George Soros recently stepped down from his Open Society Foundations and turned them over to his son Alex. Shortly thereafter, it was announced that the Open Society Foundations were instituting mass layoffs. The Foundations cut almost half of their global workforce. Shortly thereafter, it was announced that the Open Society Foundations were leaving Europe altogether. They publicly announced that they were significantly reducing all operations in the European Union, so something seems to be going on here. These resignations may indicate something far more significant happening here.

Several months ago, the New York Times ran a piece admitting that the days of the WEF are coming to an end. This is because the world is changing in ways that threaten to bring to an end the very existence of the WEF itself. The WEF, according to the New York Times, is losing its relevance and influence. This is largely because more populations are deliberately turning away from globalism and globalist structures and goals, and are instead embracing nationalism, populism, and traditionalism.

As many of you know, the European farmer’s protest continues to surge throughout the continent, in protest against WEF-inspired rules, regulations, and trade deals that are adversely affecting their livelihood and ability to farm. The protests have amassed in Brussels, the seat of the EU, where numerous tractors and trucks have sealed off streets close to the European Headquarters to pressure the EU’s agricultural ministers to back off from these draconian environmental regulations and they’ve been very successful in doing that.

A major European Union plan to impose more radical climate restrictions on the farmers has been officially dropped. Environmentalists were recently stunned to find out that the biodiversity bill, which was expected to easily clear all bureaucratic and legislative hurdles, was stopped in its tracks. This was largely because of the effectiveness of these protests throughout the continent. This is precisely what the New York Times is getting at. The world is changing, and it’s changing in ways that are leaving the WEF behind. There was a time when the WEF was able to effectively institute its agenda.

The WEF is a thoroughly modernist organization that depends on globalist technocratic societies to institute its policies. The WEF is all about stakeholder capitalism. It all goes back to Klaus Schwab’s book that he wrote back in the early 1970s, titled ‘Modern Enterprise Management’ which introduced the key concept for Schwab, ‘Stakeholder Capitalism.’ This is a system in which corporations are deputized by governments to serve the interests of the government.

They’ll claim that it’s about serving the general population at large because, as they say, we’re all stakeholders in a more just, fair, equitable, and sustainable society. But in the end, stakeholder capitalism involves instituting ESG, which stands for environmental, social, and governance criteria. That refers to scores that corporations get about those key areas so that investors can show they are investing in companies that advance leftwing social justice goals, and that includes green energy, racial equity, and even abortion access.

Many have noticed that the ESG scores are eerily similar to China’s social credit system, which is a technocratic project that seeks to control human behavior to ‘maximize’ safety and sustainability! It’s now widely recognized that the Demons in Davos at the WEF are actively designing and seeking to implement the architecture of just such an internationalized social credit system all in the name of a radically apocalyptic environmentalist vision where they actively believe that your consumption choices can destroy the planet and life as we know it.

The WEF is all about controlling your consumer choices “to make sure we don’t destroy the planet and we promote social and cultural equity.” Fewer governments are playing along with that. The massive populist revolt that we are seeing in Europe is slamming the door shut on these stakeholder capitalist initiatives. George Soros has been finding this out the hard way with his Open Society Foundations and now it appears that Klaus Schwab is finding this out the hard way with his WEF. The world is turning its back on these globalist institutions.

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