Karine Jean-Pierre BLASTED over Biden’s MENTAL DECLINE!

The Democrats are once again scrambling, desperately trying to either explain or just evade the latest set of gaffes coming from the current president.

– Biden’s recent gaffes include claiming to have met with deceased individuals such as French President Francois Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

– Biden’s approval ratings have dropped dramatically, with voters attributing the nation’s degeneration to his cognitive deterioration.

– Biden’s tendency to address deceased individuals publicly further exacerbates concerns about his mental fitness for office.

Biden’s gaffes are kind of spooky because Biden is now claiming he recently met with people who have been dead for a while.

The current president claimed that after he was elected president, he met with the French President Francois Mitterrand who died nearly 30 years ago! Democrats like Karine Jean-Pierre thought they could just ignore questions about Biden’s extreme mental confusion. But on Wednesday, Biden told donors in New York that he was just talking with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl who died back in 2017! This is why his handlers give him talking points and checklists with explicit instructions not to stray from what’s written in front of him. Whenever Biden goes off script, his people panic. They have no idea what kind of babble is going to come out of Biden’s mouth.

Biden asked, ‘Jackie, are you here?’ He was asking for Representative Jackie Walorski, who was one of the original co-sponsors of that event. He was asking if she was there so he could publicly recognize her, but she was dead! She was killed along with two of her staffers the month prior in a horrific car accident. This was front-page news and everyone knew this, including Biden. He forgets constantly that people have died when he is speaking. Not even the borderline illiterate liar for hire, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could do anything with these blunders. No amount of absurd spin can even remotely cover this up. Our President is talking to dead people!

The latest NBC poll found that Biden’s age and cognitive decline ranked among the top concerns voters have for his presidency. 76% of voters are concerned about Biden’s cognitive degeneracy, with 62% who are ‘very concerned!’ Voters are not going to reelect a president they believe is not cognitively fit for the job. What made that NBC poll devastating is that voters are seeing a connection between Biden’s mental degeneration and the degeneration of the nation as a whole.

In countless issues, Biden’s approval rating and trust have plummeted dramatically in the last four years. In 2020, Biden had a 9-point lead over Trump in terms of his being perceived as competent and effective. Today Trump has a 16-point lead, which shows a 25-point swing to Trump. In October of 2020, Biden led Trump by a point in having the necessary mental and physical health to be President. Today, Trump now has a 23-point lead over Biden, a 24-point swing. All the down-ticket issues exemplify the same pattern. In dealing with crime and violence, Biden was +4 over Trump, but today it’s now Trump +21. In securing the Border, Trump has more than doubled his lead in the last four years, and in dealing with the economy, Trump has tripled his lead!

Biden’s painfully obvious cognitive degeneration is being seen by more and more voters as the primary cause for the nation’s degeneration. There is simply no way they are going to vote to reelect someone they believe will only end up degenerating even more. His latest habit of talking to dead people certainly is not going to help!

Copyright, 2024. TurleyTalks.com

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