Global Community Condemns Israel for Deadly Strike on Rafah

The intense Israel-Gaza conflict reached new heights of hostility after the Israeli Defense Force launched a deadly airstrike on the city of Rafah. Israel has faced numerous criticism from the international community for its actions, and this instance is no different.

The airstrike supposedly allowed the IDF to advance its military into the heart of Rafah and achieve its objective of killing two esteemed Hamas leaders. However, the airstrike killed 45 Palestinian civilians, which included women and children.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a response to Sunday’s attack, claiming that the attack was a “tragic mistake.” US National Security Council officials have warned Israel to mitigate the civilian death toll, with one official claiming,Israel has a right to go after Hamas, and we understand this strike killed two senior Hamas terrorists who are responsible for attacks against Israeli civilians. But as we’ve been clear, Israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians.”

European leaders have taken a different approach, despite America’s continued support of Israel’s operation. German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck stated that Israel’s actions are “incompatible with international law.” French President Emmanuel Macron expressed a similar disposition. Additionally, the U.N.’s top court has ordered Israel to halt its advancements, considering the damage it has caused to civilians in Rafah. The U.N., however, affirmed the culpability of both sides, since Hamas instigated the conflict with airstrikes on Tel Aviv.

The U.N. Security Council has affirmed the necessity of developing a resolution for the conflict before more damage is inflicted on civilians. According to CNN, the U.N. would be able to meet the “immediate needs” of Palestinians and would allow them to “govern a territory that must be an integral part of their state.”

It is still being determined if Israel will heed the criticism of the global community. It has continued to execute its objectives regardless of exterior criticism, though we can only hope that a swift resolution to this deadly conflict materializes soon. 

Preston Parra is a Contributor for Turley Talks.

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