EXPLOSIVE Trump Rally Scheduled in NYC!

Donald Trump is hosting a massive rally in the heart of New York City, the South Bronx, as Joe Biden’s poll numbers are imploding. We are going to see the prospects of Trump flipping one of the bluest states in the nation! If there were ever a year for a Republican to flip a blue state, this is the year!

– Trump is hosting a massive rally in the South Bronx, New York, signaling strong support among Latino and Black voters.

– Trump’s strategy targets record numbers of Latino and Black voters, aiming to erode Biden’s base in key blue areas.

– The rally in the South Bronx exemplifies Trump’s confidence and expanding campaign efforts, even in traditionally Democratic states.

The Democrats’ worst nightmare is coming true. There’s going to be a massive Trump rally in the heart of New York City, the South Bronx. This is happening as Trump is getting record-setting support among Latino and Black voters, and we’re already seeing them come together in New York City for Trump:

This announcement comes on the heels of Trump’s massive rally in Wildwood, New Jersey a week ago, where the estimated attendance was anywhere from 80,000 to 100,000 people. It happened in one of the bluest states, and it looks like we are about to see something similar in New York. Many pundits have been recognizing that New York is going through a political realignment. We have seen it in two election cycles in a row. There have been several GOP flips that left the Democrats shell-shocked.

The Republicans officially took over Long Island in the off-year elections, winning the coveted Suffolk County executive race in a landslide. The GOP, as a result, now occupies all the countywide seats in Nassau and Suffolk counties. In the 2022 midterms, every congressional seat from Long Island officially went Republican. Lee Zeldin came within just a few points of winning the governor’s mansion. The election map of the 62 counties in New York, shows that only about 8 vote Democrat. Trump is about to stage a massive rally right in the heart of one of those eight blue counties. He is actively trying to peel off record numbers of Latino and Black voters away from Biden.

The strategy appears to be working. As Trump’s poll numbers soar, Biden’s numbers are imploding. The latest poll averaging from Decision Desk shows that in Nevada, Trump’s lead after averaging the last 20 polls, is 7 points. He’s over the 50% mark. Biden is in the low 40s. This is in a state that no Republican has won in 20 years, since 2004. In Arizona, the average from the last 40 polls shows Trump ahead by 6. In Georgia, Trump is also ahead by 6 in the average of their last 30 polls. In Michigan, Trump leads Biden by an average of 4 when averaging their last 46 polls, in Pennsylvania, Trump leads by almost 2 in an average of their last 49 polls, and in Wisconsin, Trump is up by 1 in an average of their last 32 polls.

Trump consistently overperforms his polling in Wisconsin. Biden, by contrast, underperformed significantly in 2020. He was supposed to win Wisconsin by double-digits, but he won by barely 20,000 votes. The numbers for voter registrations are in. Every single state except California and Colorado is seeing Republican voter registrations growing over Democrats. New Hampshire had a Democrat voter registration advantage of +2 in 2020. Today, we see a Republican voter registration advantage of +5. In 2020, Republicans trailed Democrats by 15,000 registered voters, but now Democrats trail Republicans by 44,000 voters. We are seeing extraordinary momentum towards the Republican Party in general going into November.

This is emphatically not what an incumbent wants to see for his reelection! This is why Trump is hosting a rally this week in the South Bronx. With his lead margins in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada now outside both the margin of error and margin of fraud, Trump is just one point away from the 270 he needs to become number 47. The fact that he’s making a play for states like New York and New Jersey as well as Minnesota and Virginia shows just how confident he is. Campaigning in states that otherwise wouldn’t even be close shows that Trump has all the momentum despite what the legacy media wants us to believe. Trump is poised to crush this, which we will see this weekend in the South Bronx!

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