Dems Panic As Trump Surges and Border Crisis Continues!

More Democrats and anti-Trumpers are sounding the alarm. They are seeing a campaign implosion that makes the Hindenburg disaster look tame by comparison, and it just got worse. The battleground state numbers keep coming in, and swing state panic is taking over the Democrats.

– Harris X poll shows Trump leading nationally by 4 points over Biden, with over 50% support.

– Reports suggest the Biden campaign has conceded Georgia, a key swing state, anticipating a Trump victory in a blowout.

– Urban voters express dissatisfaction with public services being affected by the influx of illegal migrants, contributing to a growing rebellion against the Democrats’ policies.

The Harris X poll just dropped, and it continues to spell absolute doom for the Democrats. Trump is up 4 over Biden nationally and has passed the 50% mark. What bears repeating here is that Trump was never in the lead in any single poll in 2020. In that Real Clear Aggregate polling at the beginning, he is consistently ahead. He is ahead by an average of 3. The latest Harvard/Harris poll has him up by 8.

Democrats are starting to freak out here when they are looking at these national polls. National polls can be deceptive. We all know how the vast majority of the population in California, New York, Texas, and Florida are going to vote. Their population size inordinately skews the national average, which should frighten Democrats because that tends to favor their candidate. We are seeing more data coming in from the battleground states.

This is where the panic is starting to set in. For Biden, things simply could not possibly be more grim. In Arizona, Trump is up by an average of 5. In Georgia, he is up by an average of 6.6%. In Michigan, he’s up by an average of 5, in Nevada he’s up by an average of 5, in North Carolina he’s up by an average of 9, and in Pennsylvania, he’s up by 1. In Wisconsin, they’re tied. These are the aggregate polling averages. These are the averages of all the polls taken in the battleground states over the last few months. Trump is currently leading in six of the seven swing states, and he is tied in Wisconsin, which Biden led in 2020 by 17 points.

Trump’s stomping in Iowa is indicative of a massive shift in momentum for Trump that the Biden campaign simply won’t be able to crawl out from under. We are already getting reports that the Biden campaign has conceded the key swing state of Georgia. The New York Times is reporting that the Biden campaign has given up this crucial state. Biden supposedly ‘won’ Georgia in 2020 by 10,000 votes back in 2020. The Times is reporting that all signs suggest that the Biden campaign has already conceded that Trump is going to win Georgia in a blowout.

14 congressional Democrats voted with the Republicans in backing a resolution that slammed the Biden administration’s willful incompetence at the southern border. The insanity at the southern border is causing a very real civil war within the Democrat Party. The latest Monmouth poll that just came out has Biden’s approval tanking in the low 20s when it comes to his handling of immigration, particularly on the southern border. That is because half of Democrats disapprove of it.

Half of his voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of the southern border. We also now have big city mayors like Eric Adams in New York and Brandon Johnson in Chicago coming out and telling Biden that he must secure the border and stop the flow of illegal immigration or their cities are going to implode. We have urban voters who are livid over the fact that public services are being suspended to pay for the deluge of illegal migrants in their cities. The scheme to change the country is only forcing more and more of the country to rebel and revolt against them! The Democrats are starting to panic as a major Biden disaster appears more likely on the horizon!

Copyright, 2024.

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