Courts Deal HUGE BLOW to Biden!

The Democrats are doing everything they possibly can to desperately keep Trump off the 2024 ballot, but another court has just dealt Biden and the Democrats a major blow, all as Trump surges like never before!

– The Illinois Elections Board rules 8-0 in favor of keeping President Trump on the state’s presidential ballot.

– Recent court defeats in Massachusetts and Maine further undermine Democrats’ efforts to exclude Trump from the ballot.

– Despite attempts to undermine Trump’s candidacy, the overall trend suggests significant momentum in his favor, setting the stage for a potentially epic 2024 election!

Biden got more bad news! The Illinois Elections Board ruled in a decisive 8 to zero ruling that President Trump will remain on Illinois’ presidential ballot, representing a dramatic blow to Democrat efforts to save Democracy by destroying it. The Democrats had hoped that courts in deep blue Illinois would cooperate with their Gestapo-like tactics, to no avail. What happened in Illinois is the latest failure in what has been a series of court defeats for the Democrats. Just before Illinois, they were crushed in Massachusetts by a state supreme court judge who shot down efforts there to remove Trump from the ballot.

That followed Maine’s top court’s ruling to allow a lower court’s pro-Trump order to stand. Their radical leftist secretary of state tried to remove Trump from the ballot, but the court ruled that such a decision was void until the Supreme Court rendered their ruling on Colorado’s efforts to deny Trump a place on the ballot. Things aren’t going very well for Biden in contrast to Trump.

Everything is aligning for a massive Trump win, both in terms of the GOP nomination, which is effectively over at this point and the general election. This alignment explains why the Democrats and the Deep State are so desperate to try to get Trump off the ballot. The indictments aren’t working, the sham trials and ridiculously corrupt verdicts aren’t working, so they are left with no other choice than to try to bar Trump from running.

As we can see, those efforts are blowing up and everything is aligning for a Trump blowout win. The latest poll for a head-to-head match-up with Haley shows that Trump will likely beat Haley by 35 points. In South Carolina, Haley’s home state, Trump is crushing Haley according to national polling. The fact that she is still in this thing shows how desperate Democrat donors have become in trying to upset a Trump nomination! We know they are Democrat donors because the big-money GOP donors are all lining up behind Trump!

Politico reported that Trump met with several Republican megadonors in Las Vegas over the weekend and they all came out in support of Trump and his march towards the White House. Several of these megadonors were once Ron DeSantis donors, and they are putting all their money in with Trump because they recognize that Trump is on his way to crushing this. If they thought Trump was going to lead the GOP to an electoral disaster, like the Ron DeSantis camp originally tried to convince us of, they have had a major change of heart!

They see the writing on the wall, and it’s not hard to see. A recent headline from Axios describes this: ‘Trump set to ROMP Biden’! This report on the latest New York Times poll found that if the election were held today, Trump would easily crush Biden with over 300 electoral votes. The key here is that it’s not just the New York Times. The latest Bloomberg poll also confirms this. Trump is up 10 in North Carolina, 8 in Nevada, 8 in Georgia, 5 in Wisconsin, 5 in Michigan, 3 in Pennsylvania, and 3 in Arizona. This is why the left is trying to boot Trump off of the ballot.

Trump is surging and Biden is imploding. On top of all of this undeniable momentum, Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts on the Abraham accords to bring together Christian, Muslim, and Jewish nations together in a post-secular geopolitical realignment. Biden’s blunders have unraveled these efforts with some very serious costs to our nation abroad. Everything is aligning for Trump. The polls, megadonors, and momentum, are moving in Trump’s direction. If he maintains this surge, November of 2024 promises to be utterly epic.

Copyright, 2024.

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